Recent content by MJC

  1. M

    Crying 24/7 with Ear Pain

    Hey Sorry to hear this. I Hv this issue- so I know how difficult this is. Until you see your ENT I would suggest- 1. Having a hot bath - this helped me because of the steam. 2. Homeopathy remedies - just google homeopathy for ear pain 3. Accupucture If you don't mind needles I hope you get...
  2. M

    Constant Ear Pain

    Hi @Telis Sorry to hear you are in pain. It has been 9 months since I suffered acoustic trauma from being at a work event in a club. I suffer from Tinnitus in both ears, blocked ears and a constant pain in both ears. The pain fluctuates but mostly it's painful 24/7 like stabbing or the eardrum...
  3. M

    This Will Not Defeat Me

    @Mclyra how are your ears? What symptoms do you have? Wishing you the best Mary-Jane
  4. M

    Ear Pains

    Hi @Shawty Read your post. Sorry to hear about ear pains. I hope you feel better now or soon. If the pain continues you should really see a doctor. Good luck
  5. M

    Ear Pain

    Hi @Dave AUS Good to hear from you. It has been 6 months for me since I damaged my ears in a club for a work event. My blocked ears and pressure is still the same - it's the pain that is the most difficult. It affects everyday living. Some days it's not bad and other days it's so bad the pain...
  6. M

    Ear Pain

    @Dave AUS hi, are your ears better- pain and pressure?
  7. M

    Despair and Losing Hope

    *couldn't be the case that I had problems with my Eustachian tubes being blocked or not working as my pressure graph is and was not flat. Typo :)
  8. M

    Despair and Losing Hope

    @Fungus thanks for your reply. With refs to popping my ears- I've tried holding me noise and blowing, but I can't pop my ears unless I really forcefully blow very hard. I don't want to risk damaging my ears further. The appointment gone this Monday was my 2nd opinion. All standard tests...
  9. M

    Despair and Losing Hope

    @Dana thanks for your reply. What were the findings of your endoscopy ? And what can doctors do if there is the bulge?im desperate now. The NHS hospital service can't help me so I will Prob go private.
  10. M

    Despair and Losing Hope

    This Monday I went to my ENT appointment - a second Opionion at a new hospital and Doctor. 1.They did a sound test - no hearing loss. 2.They checked inside my ears- no fluid or damage visible. 3. They did a pressure test - no sign of any pressure issues but the day I went I was a good day...
  11. M

    Despair and Losing Hope

    This Monday I went to my ENT appointment - a second Opionion at a new hospital and Doctor. 1.They did a sound test - no hearing loss. 2.They checked inside my ears- no fluid or damage visible. 3. They did a pressure test - no sign of any pressure issues but the day I went I was a good day...
  12. M

    Despair and Losing Hope

    This Monday I went to my ENT appointment - a second Opionion at a new hospital and Doctor for my pain, pressure and blocked ears. 1.They did a sound test - no hearing loss. 2.They checked inside my ears- no fluid or damage visible. 3. They did a pressure test - no sign of any pressure issues...
  13. M

    Ear Pain

    @hmelj are your ears feeling better with pressure and fullness ?
  14. M

    Ear Pain

    @Dave AUS hi I have the same prob as you from attending an event in a club. It has been 6 months and I still have the pressure and full feeling which changes thru-out the day. Some times it hurts. Some people on this forum say their ears have healed but it seems everyone has a different...
  15. M

    Help — Do I Have Hyperacusis

    Today has been a crazy bad day for me- the pressure and pain in my ears has been really tough going... I can't understand why everyday is different - some days the pressure is high in both ears and other days not so bad...