Recent content by MojoKing1974

  1. M

    Tinnitus (and Other Symptoms) After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

    Hello. I wanted to share my experience to see if anyone else has experienced this. I do recall one person on here mentioned such a case: I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed in early October 2019, at 45 year of age. About 3-4 days after the procedure, this horrible high pitched whistling sound...
  2. M

    Danny Do - I just noticed your post from a few years back concerning developing tinnitus just...

    Danny Do - I just noticed your post from a few years back concerning developing tinnitus just days after wisdom teeth extraction. I, too, got tinnitus, seemingly out of the blue, about three-four days after having all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Never an issue before. Of course, doctors and...