Recent content by MrLowBot

  1. MrLowBot

    Eustachian Tube Control

    So I've had tinnitus for two years now. It has gone worse however due to control of how much music I take in daily (not listening to music in the bus anymore) I've been able to reduce the damage done to my ears. A very good thing. But for the last six months I've had problems with my eustachian...
  2. MrLowBot

    The Dangers of Microsuction

    I've had the same procedure done without any problems after. Took 5 min for both ears and i did a high pitch test a week after with normal functioning ears. I'm sorry this happend to you but i do think it's as you say, a rare instance. Hope things get better as time goes.
  3. MrLowBot

    Tinnitus: Introduction to a Different Life

    Fear can be a huge trigger to the worse. I remember being 16 and my arms started to twitch so i googled.. and i could not sleep that night because i thought i had ALS. Well.. i did sleep in at around 4 in the morning with tears going down my face to my pillow.. but you get my point. You said...
  4. MrLowBot

    Love Music Way Too Much, Even Beyond My Own Hearing!

    I have had T for almost two years now. I always listen to music to and from school in the bus. I know that it really isn't good to do so but I just have nothing to do and I really love music! I've been considering outer ear headphones just because less goes in to the ear canal but I still worry...
  5. MrLowBot

    Lightheaded After Loud Music Exposure

    I would say that the stress itself for protecting your ears could be a point for you being lightheaded. However most of it could still be the big bass and high volume. I've the same problem going for me when i am near a big bass, gets me lightheaded easy. Hope i helped mate. Good luck.
  6. MrLowBot

    Bad Spike Past Couple of Weeks and Going to the Movies Tonight

    I have the neck problem going on with my spikes. And i would tell you to wear as you say plugs to the movie. I've been fixing my posture and i have like no spikes anymore but i guess that most of that must have been from the placebo effect however the neck is definitely a vector for T spikes...
  7. MrLowBot

    Music Drug

    @Capricornus Nice to see that i'm not alone. Ehh yeah.. about that i can't.. lol. I can't stay true to anyone, i lie pathologically. Same goes for my mind, even if i tricked myself into it. Just would not work, but yea good advice. Imma set ur name with all the other people that have told the...
  8. MrLowBot

    Music Drug

    Well hello there. So I got my T when i was 16. I'm 18 soon and my T is very much worse thanks :3. I cannot stand to live without music, even a day without it. I need to hear it. People tell me all the damn time "just stop listening". It's not that damn easy. Try to tell a guy with...
  9. MrLowBot

    Poll: Would You Find It Useful to Track the Intensity of Tinnitus?

    If you know that you will be using your hearing as much as you do then yes. Otherwise there is no point, if you don't have OCD ofc.. or CD, or Anxiety Disorder. Basically anything that has Anxiety disorder with it.
  10. MrLowBot

    Just Woke Up from a Dead Sleep to the Worst Ringing I Have Ever Had. Please Help.

    Keep calm. Remeber, T is a symptom. You are the one who can tell it to fear you or you can accept it. Just imagen yourself losing a finger. You still have many more to go but if you keep fooling yourself on that one finger then you will never find relief. Try to not look at it throughout...
  11. MrLowBot

    Does Anyone Have Anxiety-Induced Tinnitus?

    Oh yes indeed. That is why many people freak out about getting T. But in reality, you can protect your ears from more dmg and you will accept the T, and when you do it won't be a problem for you (and it shouldn't be one ither). Take care man.
  12. MrLowBot

    Another Fellow in the Tinnitus Journey

    Hello there. I see that you aren't an active listener (music etc) so no more tiggers of T there. The sound you hear could fade but it depends on what condition you have and what the deal is with your jaw. For some people that could be the vector that made this happen. Check with a dentist...
  13. MrLowBot

    So Will I Recover?

    Hi man, i am dealing with pressure of both my ears (all the time). I can fix it but so far i haven't (due to having music so close to my heart.. or rather dopamine). In any case.. The pressure will make you feel like you're infact losing hearing (but you aren't really). Of course you are if you...
  14. MrLowBot

    Earplugs Causing Vertigo/Dizziness

    Hi man. I can really relate. I 've the same problem, but i don't do anything about it. I also have this cracking sound everytime i yawn or eat. I spoke about the problem with some doctors. They all said the same thing, "stop using air tight earphones and start creating a pressure to stable...
  15. MrLowBot

    Anyone from Sweden?

    Not from sweden, but i've been here my whole life lol.