Recent content by ms nic

  1. ms nic

    "Don't Panic" AHhahahahaha

    This is a wealth of info. Thank you so much for taking the time to help a newbie. Hugely appreciated. My primary care doctor says he can no longer see any bruising/infection but I was hoping that would mean some T relief. No such luck.
  2. ms nic

    "Don't Panic" AHhahahahaha

    Hi Bill, Wow, thanks -- that's super helpful. I didn't realize about the false sense of security from earmuffs... I've been wearing NRR25 muffs when I use the blender or go grocery shopping etc. (I also bought a db reader but so far it's just making me anxious with the constant auditory chaos...
  3. ms nic

    "Don't Panic" AHhahahahaha

    Hi Greg, eardrum didn't break, no. Finished all 10 days of antibiotics and T hasn't lessened in intensity for a moment so got disheartened.... but true I do need to give it time. This is a great site for support in the meantime. Thanks for your message.
  4. ms nic

    "Don't Panic" AHhahahahaha

    Hi out there... I'm on day 10 of brand new T & feeling pretty isolated. I am a single mom to very loudddd 3 and 6 year old boys which I have 100% of the time. We have acquaintances at best where we live now. Haven't yet connected with any in-person support groups in my area (Chicago burbs)...