Recent content by MyBigMistake

  1. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    Melatonin actually seems to help. I think I may use that some. I'm so lucky that I work from home, so I can control the noise exposure around me. Thank you, Michael. While I still have the tinnitus, I am starting to feel much less achy. And today is the day I've taken the least amount of...
  2. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    Thank you all so much for the feedback. I think not trying to throw everything and anything at this is good advice. I will say this after a few days of taking Prednisone. I took Prednisone for the first time Sunday (today is Friday). I am down to 10 mg of Prednisone today, and I plan for...
  3. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    So you are saying you wish you hadn't taken Prednisone. I am starting to feel like the Prednisone isn't helping. I seem to do well after a night's rest. I wake up, take a Prednisone, and a bit later comes the fullness and discomfort. As if Prednisone is contributing to it.
  4. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    One question I have here is how protective of my ears should I be at this point? I am being very protective in what I call my recovery phase. To the point that a few nights ago when it began to thunder, I grabbed a pair of earplugs to put in while I slept. At the same time, I've read studies...
  5. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    Thank you all for your input and feedback. I'd say the most worrisome aspect isn't even over the prospect of having some hearing loss for the rest of my life, but thinking about the ways something like this could have racked my brain in other ways. I mean your hearing is inextricably nexused to...
  6. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    I definitely wasn't planning for the range tomorrow. Or next week. Or next month for that matter! Just kind of sucks that I just bought a 1 year range membership near where I live last week. LOL. Oh well. Just saying if/when I do go back to the range, it is foamies under ear muffs, and I would...
  7. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    If something happened where I experienced barotrauma from HBOT, that would be such a huge blow and setback. It is why I am leaning against HBOT. I know next time I shoot on the range, it is foamies under muffs.
  8. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    Sleep seems to help tremendously. I wake up feeling pretty much back to my old self, no headaches/earaches, no sense of aural fullness, just a very faint tinnitus. And then I take a Prednisone, and then a bit later is when the low grade headaches and fullness comes on. It is hard for me to know...
  9. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    Thank you all for the feedback. I especially appreciate the comment about not dwelling on what I can't change. You have no idea how I have been sitting here wishing I could have a do over. I feel so stupid. Not to mention the feeling like I permanently damaged myself. The one good thing, though...
  10. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    At this time, I don't want to hear another noise for a long time!
  11. M

    My Big Mistake: Shooting a .380 Pistol at an Indoor Range without Proper Hearing Protection

    Hi, all. On Friday, April 29th, I made a big mistake. That's why the username MyBigMistake. I served on active duty in the military and have used firearms safely for many years. Well, Friday I go to an indoor range. I had put my hearing protection on outside of the range, but I had taken them...