Recent content by Newloud

  1. Newloud

    Diving and Tinnitus

    I recently got a membership at the local swimming hall. The swimming is great, but there's also a diving pool with a 10m board. I used to enjoy cliff diving back in the days, and would really like to have a go here as well, but then of course I read about someone who got tinnitus from diving...
  2. Newloud

    Introducing My New Book "Living With Tinnitus"

    I for one got it free here in Norway, but I had to use my Kindle. I think it said "Prime only", that might have something to do with it. Thanks a lot, this is no mere pamphlet. Looking forward to reading it.
  3. Newloud

    Spike After Noise Incident

    I was doing so well. In the ballpark of I can definitely live with this, sleeping better, positive thoughts... Then, at work the other day, I was receiving a shipment of goods. They came on EUR pallets, and if you've been around those things, you know they can make a real racket. Especially if...
  4. Newloud

    Wisdom Tooth Removal and Potential Impact on Tinnitus & Hyperacusis: Share Your Experience!

    So, I'm scheduled for a wisdom tooth removal in a week or so. I ordered it last year, because I had some sinus and jaw issues that might be caused by the tooth - it's not come out correctly and is bulging out the side of my gum . It's not infected yet, my dentist didn't mean it was strictly...
  5. Newloud

    Tinnitus Is the Result of the Brain Trying, but Failing, to Repair Itself

    It's the same guy as in this recent video, Josef Rauschecker. So yeah, I guess they're making progress. I'd put my money on this approach rather than drugs or regenerative efforts.
  6. Newloud


    Guess I do cures every now and then.
  7. Newloud

    Alcohol Quiets Down My Tinnitus

    I think it's the calming effect that does it. And I have a lot to learn as far as calming myself goes. Even though the relief is only temporary, it's really a great boon to know that it's actually physically possible for me to have no tinnitus. It's even within reach somehow.
  8. Newloud

    Alcohol Quiets Down My Tinnitus

    Happened to me last Friday. Went to a beer tasting the night before, consumed a fair amount of alcohol. Wouldn't say excessive, though, but enough to make me tipsy (I don't drink much anymore, so it doesn't take much). Almost complete silence in the morning. Good thing I wasn't stupid enough to...
  9. Newloud

    Any Recommendations on How to CONTINUOUSLY (Day After Day) Stop Considering Tinnitus a Threat?

    If there's a separate aspie spectrum I'm not aware of it. But I guess I would be someone with "mild" Asperger. I'm living by myself, dress normally, working, blending in (or so I think). Unless you were an expert on the subject you wouldn't be able to tell - only a few close friends have...
  10. Newloud

    Any Recommendations on How to CONTINUOUSLY (Day After Day) Stop Considering Tinnitus a Threat?

    I might have been using the term a bit awkwardly, but what I meant was that it is actual, something you can work with and acknowledge. "Positive" doesn't have to mean "good" or "pleasant". I mean, one can be HIV positive, right?
  11. Newloud

    Any Recommendations on How to CONTINUOUSLY (Day After Day) Stop Considering Tinnitus a Threat?

    While I don't have a success story to report yet, I believe that the way to go is through learning, not willing. In some cases, for some people, it might be possible to force a change in outlook through willpower. But in most cases it's not. I myself have very little control over how I feel...
  12. Newloud

    Suprising Effect of Microdosing Ritalin

    I think ritalin might help you to direct focus onto what's important, i.e. other things than tinnitus.
  13. Newloud

    Light Therapy in Treatment of Tinnitus...

    This is interesting. The true cure or alleviation could very well be along the lines of giving the brain something else to worry about, and it doesn't necessarily have to be sound. Perhaps trying to cure tinnitus with sound is misguided.
  14. Newloud

    Safe Anxiety Meds?

    The Wikipedia article on nortriptyline mentions tinnitus as a side effect. Nowhere else does, though, so I guess I shouldn't worry too much. The challenge might be to get a prescription for tricyclic AD in this day and age. Anyhow, yesterday I bought a pack of Sedix, herbal pills based on...
  15. Newloud

    Noise-Cancelling Headphones for Constant Industrial Noise?

    I was wondering the same thing. So what you get from noise cancelling headphones is actual silence?