Recent content by Nich

  1. Nich

    18 Months with Tinnitus

    @joseph Ghass I tried to do better with both but only made small progress there. However, exercise was very helpful with managing the anxiety and panic when it first occurred.
  2. Nich

    18 Months with Tinnitus

    My T began randomly one night 18 months ago. It incited a flare of my panic disorder and my life got very dark very quickly. For the first time ever I had to go on an SNRI and klonopin just to survive. I lost 30lbs from the stress and had to go to my car during the work day to deal with constant...
  3. Nich

    First Spike, Could Use Some Wisdom Please?

    My spikes are typically more from sinus problems. Although, when exposed to lots of background noise or loud noise I always have louder T for several hours or sometimes the rest of the day. I have gotten to where I don't monitor the change in my T much anymore. when I first got T someone on here...
  4. Nich

    First Spike, Could Use Some Wisdom Please?

    I've had T for a year now and I've had it spike several times. It's always temporary and comes back to baseline. Anxiety will fuel its fire though and make your perception of it much louder. Work on the anxiety, although I know that's easier said than done.
  5. Nich

    What Jobs Can You Do with Tinnitus?

    You should study what you love and then find a job that allows you be in contact with what you love. If you love music then get a music degree and then find a way to put that knowledge to use. Maybe you can't be in an orchestra or teach music in school, but I bet you could be a music reviewer or...
  6. Nich

    Reading for Pleasure — Can You Still Do It?

    My T began while reading a book in bed and luckily reading has always helped my T move to the background. At first I used ocean sounds as well and they were helpful. I also sit in a quiet office all day doing my job and I had to have ambient noise for the first 6 months. Now it breaks my...
  7. Nich

    A 4 Month Update

    Hey All! It's been a while so I figured I'd post an update. Around month 3 I had an anxiety set back. It went after a week or so and I'm doing better. I'm reacting to my T so much less than before. It's there. It's doing it's dog-whistle hiss thing but most of the time I'm ok now. If I have bad...
  8. Nich

    Hot Tub

    That's where I started. Before this small setback I had gotten to having several hours everyday not hearing my ring. Even with the setback when I get involved in anything that really requires me to focus it tends to fade into the background. I'm so happy for you @Kathi . When it finally starts...
  9. Nich

    Tinnitus Wakes Me Up 3 am Every Morning. Advice?

    When my T started a few months ago I had the exact thing happen @Pipo. I was fine for a few days then I started waking up at 4am every night. This continued until my anxiety decreased and I stopped being hyper-aware of the T. Then I went back to sleeping normally. At 2 months in I was starting...
  10. Nich

    Hot Tub

    It's just a small thing but hey I'll take all I can get. :)
  11. Nich

    Hot Tub

    So I got in the hot tub last night for the first time since the T came on (it's been too hot) and realized it masks my T completely. Completely, completely. Can't even hear it if I try to. I feel stupid for not thinking about it before. So, if you have access to a hot tub it might be worth a try...
  12. Nich

    Hey All! Checking in Again

    So it's been a little over 3 months now since onset of my T and I'm having a bit of a setback. A couple of weeks ago I was doing really well. I had gotten to where my T wasn't impacting me much and several hours a day I didn't hear it. I would forget about it and it would just fade away. After...
  13. Nich

    Checking In

    Hey all. Sorry I haven't been on here much but I'm trying to make my T a non issue in my life and being on here to much was getting in the way. So it's been a little over 2 months since my random dog whistle sound appeared and I think I'm coping well. The massive panic I initially felt has...
  14. Nich

    How do you concentrate at work/school?

    I'm a pathologist and sit in a quiet room with a microscope all day. I've had T for two months now. Its loud enough that only the shower masks it and on loud days sometimes thats iffy. I do a very specialized type of pathology that requires integration of multiple tests to arrive at a...
  15. Nich

    Can tinnitus mimic sounds? Can long exposure to quiet sound

    So we have no idea why I got tinnitus. No exposure, no loud sounds. Never been to concerts, don't like any noisy environment. I did listen to an iPod with ear buds for several years in med school and I've just assumed that was the set up. So I noticed about 2 months ago that my microscope at...