Recent content by Nike

  1. N

    Just Developed Tinnitus 5 Days Ago and I'm Unbelievably Scared

    Most Tinnitus sufferers have similar response at the initial stage. It is important to stay positive. You will be fine. All I wanted to do at the initial stage was die too but here I am, living happy with Tinittus reduced to a very low level and often times completely silent. Avoid places where...
  2. N

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, Tinnitus, TMJ, and Strange Symptoms

    Hi Cloudy 1, my symptoms are exactly the same with yours. The doctors didn't see anything wrong when they looked in my ear too. Guess the ear is so complex the ENT can't figure out everything. Good news is you will recover. It takes a long time but this kind of tinnitus eventually heals. I came...
  3. N

    4 Days In

    Visit an ENT ASAP and see if you can get the prednisone shot. Chances are it would would reverse the damage. It is important that you stay positive. Anxiety and depression are the initial response for most new sufferers but it definitely subsides with time. You are still in the initial stages...
  4. N

    Possible Treatment for Infection Induced Tinnitus (Ear Massaging & Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

    I came across the videos above on youTube and thought to share them. The method seems to work for infection induced tinnitus. Make sure to use extravirgin olive oil following the method as described in the video. Also, rub it on the bone behind your ear and into your scalp at the back of your...
  5. N

    Well I've Been Having a Hard Time

    Hi Jenn, sorry to hear that about your condition. I was in your shoes a few months ago and I actually thought I was doomed but I'm a lot better today. Tinnitus is a lot quiet and and I got my life back! The scare, anxiety, sleeplessness, weight loss are all initial reactions to tinnitus but it...
  6. N

    What About God?

    @ Ricos, I understand and feel your pains. Like you, I have so many questions and few answers about faith and God. Yet I find peace when I choose to believe in Jesus. I may not understand why innocent people go through hardship but I choose to trust God no matter what life throws my way. I pray...
  7. N

    What About God?

    Where is God in all this? same question I asked my self when Tinnitus almost made me take my life. Not only did I have unbearable tinnitus, I also had the biblical issue of blood. I was convinced God had forsaken me. When I complained in my heart, God told me to be still and know that he is God...
  8. N

    My Tinnitus Story

    Hi Ben, The early stage of Tinnitus is usually unnerving. You have to believe that you will get better and dismiss any thought that it is lifelong. I was in that same position 4 months ago but I got my life back. The healing is slow but you will definitely get over it. Stay away from stimulants...
  9. N

    New to This, About 2 Weeks In... Please Provide Encouragement.

    You should also see an ENT but don't get discouraged if they say they can't do anything for you.I got a shot of prednisone in the first week of onset. I felt better for a few days and then hell was let lose. Not sure if it contributed to my recovery.
  10. N

    New to This, About 2 Weeks In... Please Provide Encouragement.

    Hi Bethany, Your symptoms sounds very familiar. I had similar symptoms when I got tinnitus and it was indeed hell. I lost a lot weight. The good news is you will get better. Hang in there. I'm a christian so I prayed and trusted God and now I'm a lot better and almost back to normal. Try...
  11. N

    Hope for Those Who Believe

    I'm feeling a lot better today and I have it in my heart to bring hope to some sufferers. I've noticed a good number of tinnitus sufferers think of suicide in the early days. Don't do it. If you could see a glimpse into your future you will see what a waste it will be if you ended your life. I...
  12. N

    Hello, Feel a Need to Talk

    Combination of extreme mental stress and noise seem to induce tinnitus. Got tinnitus few days to my final exam after being on Tylenol, a bit of red wine and trying to read with noise from my roommate's laptop. You can definitely get better. Stay away from anything that causes it to spike by...
  13. N

    It's Gone

    God definitely answers prayers. Sometimes we need to pay attentio lol. I do like your sense of humor. My prayer for you is that God will touch your heart. I've had chronic T for weeks now and just this last Sunday it was so bad I begged God to take my life. Then after all the wailing, I prayed...
  14. N

    It's Gone

    Maybe Tinnitus is God calling your attention. It's hard to believe that a good God can watch us suffer but for those that believe, our hope and comfort is that he is there with us in our suffering. Miracles do happen indeed and most success stories are attributed to people who put their trust in...
  15. N

    The Positivity Thread

    I believe T has a cure but no prescription. You just have to discover your own cure since it varies for everyone. God has not said there's no cure for me. I've been through hell and there were times I wished myself death. But Thank God I did not die because I would have missed the miracle...