Recent content by Nikopol

  1. Nikopol

    Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members

    Although this year sucks (I was supposed to be in Japan, hopefully next year), at least I got invitation to participate in city coronation ceremony. Me, with the small group of people who were re-enacting, at far left of the image.
  2. Nikopol

    Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members

    Oh, well, since my profile pic is half a decade old, this is me last year at mount Bromo
  3. Nikopol

    Is There Such Thing as *Too Much* Masking / Sound Enrichment?

    Im not using it anymore, but did for months after onset. On my first try I put a "sounds of nature" in my headphones, louder than T and went to sleep. Boy, was that a bad idea. Next day my T was killing me, at least thrice louder than normal. Fortunatelly no long-term lasting effects, but...
  4. Nikopol

    Until Yesterday, Tinnitus Free/100% Habituated for Three Years — I Dehabituated While in Bed

    Hi folks, I was posting here some 3 years ago. In the end I made a goodbye thread as I was fine. In short, my tinnitus was caused by my back because a nerve got inflamed and screwed up my system. After months of massage therapies the tinnitus decreased and eventually I habituated. For the...
  5. Nikopol

    Syringing Ears — Should I Go Through with the Procedure?

    Its unlikely to make it worse if professional ENT doctor does it. Earwax is there for a reason, its additional layer of ear protection. Too much of it can cause blockade of the ear canal, resulting in decreased hearing, resulting in tinnitus. If done professionally, there is nothing to worry...
  6. Nikopol

    Tinnitus Spike After Cold

    Hi, this probably happened to all of you, but I recently went through cold. The cold itself even blocked my ears somehow and although my tinnitus is normally in left ear, where I got used to it, this time I got pitch noise in right ear. The cold left couple days back, but full ears are still...
  7. Nikopol

    The Positivity Thread

    I think I will be leaving this forum for good now. The aforementioned cold has finally left and T went again down to levels where I can only hear white sound in silent room. My mind has learned how to fully ignore it. Its been 9 months since onset now and although it never went fully away, as I...
  8. Nikopol

    The Positivity Thread

    Been for 6 weeks away on a prolonged vacation and T got seriously, seriously down. I found myself not even noticing it, thinking about it, or nothing for nearly a week at some point. With regular sleep, lots of fun and travelling it nearly all disappeared. On last day I got cold and now its...
  9. Nikopol

    Why Does Tinnitus Spike?

    This really depends on the cause of T. If your T was triggered by long-term anxiety, additiobal stress will naturally cause it to spike. If problems with back that affect nerve system, physical stretch or anything tjat affect your muscle system can cause a spike. Like alcohol. Problem with inner...
  10. Nikopol

    Tell Me the Truth... Is a Cure Realistic?

    Pain in life is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
  11. Nikopol

    The Positivity Thread

    I just don't want to get my hopes too high. I found out that unrealistic expectations can plunge you into bad mental state once what you hoped will come won't. Its better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed. Case example, 2 days back I experienced minor spike that last until today. The...
  12. Nikopol

    The Positivity Thread

    Okay, so month and half back I was on this forum recommended to try a massage therapist. I didnt give it much of a hope, after all I saw every doctor but doctor Doolittle and their diagnosis was "nah, nothing wrong here either, sorry bud you gotta get used to it". At best, they gave me good tips...
  13. Nikopol

    For Those Who Have Habituated... How Do You Control It?

    You dont. That is the point. You let go. If you are trying to control it, you are trying to fight it and therefore you focus on it more, negating any effect of habituation. As for me, I am partially habituated. I can go for majority of time without it bothering me one bit. Actually got to point...
  14. Nikopol

    Poll: Approximately How Often Do You Get Fleeting Tinnitus?

    Random as hell. I had days when I got half a dozen of them and I had times when I didnt get any for over a month. From where I stand it seems that there are higher chances getting it if my anxiety and stress peaks and also its related to how much I sleep.
  15. Nikopol

    Help Me Solve This.

    Jaw is a possible cause. Make an appointment with dentist and discuss TMJ possibility with him and try his recommended treatment. It is also possible that that physical object may have hurt your ear drum in some way, though I would figure that ENT would notice that. In that case it can take as...