Recent content by nofearcavalier

  1. nofearcavalier

    2 Year Tinnitus Anniversary Today — Habituated

    Thanks for describing your journey to habituation. I've suffered from Tinnitus of various degrees of severity all of my life. I have yet to completely habituate, but I utilized a lot of denial and distraction techniques early on to cope with the experience. In my case, I didn't even know that I...
  2. nofearcavalier

    How Do You Transition Between Listening to Your Tinnitus and Pushing Through It?

    I was shutting it out in a way that I can’t properly describe. I spent most of my life always working, reading, thinking and pushing myself forward. I only noticed it in those rare moments when I wasn't distracted by stuff or right before sleep ... and then I just let it take over and kind’a...
  3. nofearcavalier

    How Do You Transition Between Listening to Your Tinnitus and Pushing Through It?

    Because I don’t want to be afraid of it... it’s just a sound. Glenn in his book seems to confirm this approach and it makes sense to me. I hear my air conditioner all the time, but I don’t really notice it until it’s off.
  4. nofearcavalier

    How Do You Transition Between Listening to Your Tinnitus and Pushing Through It?

    I first posted on this forum about a year ago-ish, and have been back once a month or so, to read the topics in the Support section. I wasn't looking for a cure; I was looking for a means to communicate about my condition. If there's a cure in our future, then my hunting the horizon for it...
  5. nofearcavalier

    Hello: Long Time Listener...

    I haven't thought about that poem since I was in high school. I never had to memorize it, but I stumbled across it while I was trying to populate my head with good poetry. It always choked me up a little, so you have serendipitously elicited a, not unpleasant, emotional response from me. Thanks...
  6. nofearcavalier

    Hello: Long Time Listener...

    I'm here to share my tinnitus story. I've had tinnitus since I was a child. I first remember experiencing it after having myringotomy surgery. I remember trying to communicate what I was experiencing to my mother (and later my doctors) was very frustrating. What I heard was what sounded like a...