Recent content by nospr

  1. nospr

    Will a Sound Mask Make It Harder to "Forget" I Have Tinnitus?

    I've had it for 2 years now, but from about January to June I habituated and didn't notice it very often. Even in quiet rooms I barely would pay attention. Now all of a sudden it's much louder and has been for 3 weeks. I ultimately want to forget about it like last time or perhaps hope it gets...
  2. nospr

    Poll: How Long Was Your Longest Spike?

    I honestly have no idea. It might have been the loud fireworks of the 4th of July, or stress from my work this month causing me to think about my tinnitus more than usual.
  3. nospr

    Poll: How Long Was Your Longest Spike?

    I feel as if I'm in the middle of a spike that's been going on for 1 month. I'm not sure if it will go back down, but this is after nearly 6 months of not thinking about Tinnitus outside of extremely quite moments. At the moment I hear it all the time even over loud music.
  4. nospr

    Tinnitus Seems to Be at Its Worst, Will It Go Back to Normal?

    It's the volume that bothers me the most and the the fact that it's mostly in the left hear. As far as I remember it used to be balanced. Truthfully I have been a little anxious and worried about my job recently but this shouldn't be too major in changing my overall mood. It seems that it just...
  5. nospr

    Tinnitus Seems to Be at Its Worst, Will It Go Back to Normal?

    My Tinnitus started for the first time about 2 years ago. At first it was a horrible shock and I couldn't stop thinking about it. However about 2 weeks later it got to the point where I wouldn't notice it as much driving or at work and soon after I would only notice it if I had headphones on for...
  6. nospr

    My Tinnitus Seemed Very Mild for Over a Year, But Now It's Back as Bad as Before.

    Yes, I do listen do music with headphones but mainly only at work. When I'm at home I just use regular speakers.
  7. nospr

    My Tinnitus Seemed Very Mild for Over a Year, But Now It's Back as Bad as Before.

    I'm not sure. I haven't been listening to music really any louder than normal. And honestly even thinking back one week ago, despite it being there I remember not "noticing" my tinnitus while taking a shower, driving on the highway, or listening to metal music. For some reason starting Friday...
  8. nospr

    My Tinnitus Seemed Very Mild for Over a Year, But Now It's Back as Bad as Before.

    I'm really anxious these days. Every moment from driving in the car, to listening to loud music, to trying to fall asleep I hear the loud white noise. I get even more nervous because it's skewed heavily towards the left ear, which is really distracting. Does this mean I have hearing damage? I...