Recent content by Obe

  1. O

    Ex Marine + Music Producer with Tinnitus

    As far as the Marines go, most of us assume boot camp and training is well thought out and executed by the staff, but I don't think it is, particularly when it comes to loud noises. Prime example is the class action lawsuit against the military for faulty/cheap earplugs causing tinnitus in...
  2. O

    Short-Term Hyperacusis Caused by Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    I'm always trying to think of ways to manage my tinnitus, as I think this is a solvable problem, we just need time. I'd read a while back some docs think the Vagus nerve has something to do with it so I Googled Vagus nerve stimulation techniques. One of the techniques was grabbing your ears...
  3. O

    Ex Marine + Music Producer with Tinnitus

    Hi I'm Chris. First post. I'm 40 and have had tinnitus since I can remember, although I'm sure it started sometime in my 20s and I just didn't notice it then. I have it in both ears, various frequencies, non-stop. Occasionally I'll get a new frequency for a couple of days, then it goes away...