Recent content by OhMYEAR

  1. OhMYEAR

    Discomfort When Coughing/Sneezing

    I don't have tinnitus but my ears are sensitive to loud sounds; they have been for years due to some environmental acoustic trauma. My left ear has experience more damage from loud noise and when I cough or sneeze I have a discomfort. I think it's because of the pressure on the ear from the...
  2. OhMYEAR

    YouTube Channels

    this dude is great. he goes to all these 3rd world countries and really experiences the culture
  3. OhMYEAR

    Woman Develops Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) — Hears Her Eyes Moving

    Nail technician, 24, who can hear the sound of her own heartbeat and the movement of her eyes discovers she has a rare disease - after doctors told her there was nothing wrong with her Tenika Nicotra, 24, can hear the sound of her own heartbeat and eyes moving The odd sensation started randomly...
  4. OhMYEAR

    Stock Market Chat

    I think lots of people are buying stocks with the unemployment. this ting is gonna crash when that ends
  5. OhMYEAR

    What Movies Have You Watched More Than Once?

    300. Terminator 2 Shawshank redemption.
  6. OhMYEAR

    What's on Your Bucket List?

    Move out of my parents house
  7. OhMYEAR

    Any Online Game Players?

    I play a game called World War Heroes on my phone. It's kind of like call of duty, online gameplay but for your phone. It's not bad
  8. OhMYEAR

    Anyone Else Excited About "Stranger Things"?

    I just finished watching season 3. It was ok. It wasn't better than the first two seasons, for sure. But it was still decent. by the way, check out these bikes at the Levi store. Source
  9. OhMYEAR

    Favorite Horror Movies

    The new pet cemetery pretty good
  10. OhMYEAR

    New Year's Eve Is Coming

    i think i will just meet up with my sole friend and get some food