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  • I nearly have silence (jinxing myself, I know), but my fiancé told me he's had T for 2 months now out of the blue.. I wish I could take his
    Sounds like you two got a comunicación problem:p
    Tired of dental problems and root-canal-or-not considerations. Having tinnitus is living in fear of making the wrong decision..
    Might have to take Amoxicillin for 7 days due to suspected dental infection, but I'm so afraid to ruin all improvements with my T...
    Thank you for sharing your experience, I stumbled upon some horror stories mentioning Amoxicillin induced tinnitus, but these cases must be pretty rare... I didn't take any of it so far considering the teeth pain fortunately subsided and vanished these last few days, but it's back and stronger today so I guess I'll have to stop being in denial and take it after all.
    I've had so much improvement with my T since the onset mid February, from suicidal tinnitus to basically non existant or 1/10 or 2/10 at most. I've been through 5 dentist appointments, 3 fire alarms and benzo taper with no consequences whatsoever, I'd hate for Amoxicillin to ruin everything, I don't know how I'd cope if it does.
    Anyway, thanks a lot to everyone who commented on this thread, I really appreciate it. It's quite reassuring knowing you managed to take Amoxicillin without any tinnitus worsening..
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