I'm so sorry I'm only answering you now... I've been thinking of you often, but depression has me drowning. I truly am very sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel ignored or forgotten... I hope with all my heart you're doing better, I promise I'll reply sooner if you ever feel like you're not too...
@Juliane Time, almost 3 years next february, living in a quiet environment and being supported by everyone around me. Sadly I would also say this is sheer luck, as some may have waited just as long and lived in silence without improving as much...
@Strawberryblonde I have 10 physio appointments to come, it's very reassuring and encouraging to read they truly could help you. I won't take Prednisolone and wait for the physio in a few days instead. Thank you <3
How are you doing these days..?
@stacey At home, I always kept low music in the background during the day, as I couldn't bear to be in complete silence. But I forced myself to go to bed with no masking whatsoever, as I felt my ears needed to rest.
@stacey But I still went out sometimes, plugging my ears when the car door closed, foam earplugs ready anytime I left the house, doing groceries when shops were empty... If it ever got too loud or uncomfortable, we left. I avoided loud events or places like the plague, still do.
@stacey But if I did stay home, I didn't stay in complete silence. My sound tolerance lowered at the beginning, as I damaged my ears by masking my T with music at lowest volume in my headphones ; my fiancé was very careful with noises around the house and dealt with the loudest ones (vacuum...
@stacey Immediately after onset, I was on sick leave for 3 months, came bach to work for 2, then quit. I stayed home for 9 months before finding a "quiet" job in a museum for 6 months. I've been home since last november and been unable so far to go back to any kind of work.