Recent content by Oscram

  1. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Doh! Deleted it too late obviously!
  2. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Yes - actually Glynis you are correct so I deleted my last post. Probably don't need to put any more petrol on the fire! Just to say I have got better from Tinnitus so it's not true to say that I'm in a bad place. I know I said I wouldn't post again, but it's important to clear up that...
  3. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Ok guys - I'm going to draw a line under this now. Feel free to keep the shit storm going if you like. I'll read it all but I won't reply. Hopefully people who read this thread later will see what's going on here. The main thing to understand is people can and do get better from Tinnitus, and I...
  4. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Hi Foncky - yes I have had hyperacusis and ear pain. No sudden hearing loss. Yes I gave up things that I loved. I would even wear earplugs all day, even in the office. My lesson in help is valid - if people read all this angry stuff on line it's not really going to help them is it? It didn't...
  5. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Look - at the risk of saying something else totally moronic - those certain things that you can't do anymore. Why don't you just go ahead and do them?
  6. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    No apology necessary Jomo
  7. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Hi Telis, thanks for the message, you seem pretty angry so I'm not going to try and change your mind. Out of interest, what are you doing hanging around Tinnitus forums if you're so sure you can't get better? Same goes for you Foncky and Jomo? Why are you here? Even worse, how do you think a...
  8. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Hey guys - I don't mind provoking a shit storm. It's the least I can do to try and shake these forums up a bit with some common sense. Yes it's easy for me to say, because I feel much better lately. I probably seem like a smug twit, but so will you when you get to the end of the tunnel. I've had...
  9. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Hey Elliott - thanks for your comment. Shaking off Tinnitus can be very difficult indeed, as proved by some people getting stuck with it for a long time. If you've had it for a while you can still shake it off, but you're probably stuck and need more help from someone. Interesting that you list...
  10. Oscram

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Hi Guys - I am 36 and recovering well from Tinnitus. It was triggered 4 years ago through listening to earbud headphones in my car. Like pretty much everyone else on here, it took me to a very dark place. Sleepless nights with level 10 screaming in my head / depressed days / feeling my life was...