Recent content by Otiscabotis

  1. Otiscabotis

    Benzodiazepine Withdrawal — SEVERE Hyperacusis

    My symptoms are getting way worse. How stable are your ears now as in what can you tolerate? I’m getting worse by the day and I’m scared this will be permanent. Could you describe how your sensitivity and pain is now? I got white noise generators as in hearing aids but I’m afraid it’s too...
  2. Otiscabotis

    Hyperacusis Was Improving — Then a Door Slammed Beside Me and Symptoms Are Now Back Worse

    Did your sound levels ever recover after this? I know it’s an old post.
  3. Otiscabotis

    After Naproxen/Dilaudid My Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Have Worsened Remarkably

    Did this ever get better for you?
  4. Otiscabotis

    Can My Buzzing/Humming/Vibrating Tinnitus Still Stop? I Feel Like I'm Going Crazy

    It’s an old thread but has it ever gone away? Are you back to normal tinnitus now?
  5. Otiscabotis

    Necessary Evil to Combat Severe Tinnitus — Long-Term Ambien (Zolpidem) Use

    @Athens, did your hyperacausis improve after discontinuing Zopiclone?
  6. Otiscabotis

    Benzodiazepine Withdrawal — SEVERE Hyperacusis

    Did it get better at all since? Feeling hopeless right now.