Recent content by ozgeA

  1. ozgeA

    Sometimes life is good and sometimes not. :)))

    Sometimes life is good and sometimes not. :)))
  2. ozgeA

    For New and Old Tinnitus Sufferers, Please Read My Story. From Living Hell and Back.

    Wish you a healthy life and never having to go through all of this again... :)
  3. ozgeA

    Why me?

    Why me?
  4. ozgeA

    Eye Symptoms Related to Hyperacusis

    Sensitivity to the light could be #migraine related.
  5. ozgeA

    Still.... hate #ttts

    Still.... hate #ttts
  6. ozgeA

    Relief of Hyperacusis or TTTS from Neck Massage?

    Could you please explain in more detail about your situation and your recovery afterwards? So much thank you! @Greg Sacramento
  7. ozgeA

    Can Antidepressants Cause Hyperacusis?

    Could you explain to us what is real hyperacusis? Thank you so much! @Contrast
  8. ozgeA

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    What about TTTS @Michael Leigh? Any recommendation?
  9. ozgeA

    Tinnitus & Hyperacusis 90% Cured

    Which benzos did you take? @1MW
  10. ozgeA

    Hyperacusis Related to Muscles

    I suffer from TTTS but my test results are good. No evidence of hyperacusis or something. İt is weird. @Contrast.
  11. ozgeA

    Do I Have Hyperacusis? I Don't Know What's Happening I hope this helps.
  12. ozgeA

    Do I Have Hyperacusis? I Don't Know What's Happening

    Sound distortion can also be caused by #TTTS. It does not always require hyperacusis.
  13. ozgeA

    Can Someone Please Explain This? Sudden and Unexpected Improvement in Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    This is so great to hear that your hyperacusis is completely gone. Did you test your hearing by audiologist? How about your LDL (loudness discomfort level)? @JohnAdams
  14. ozgeA

    Important Things You've Learned So Far...

    Feeling normal is good.