Recent content by Ozum Asirim

  1. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    It has been 15 months, I can safely say mine is gone, I hear a tiny bit, barely noticeable sound in the background but only when I recall about my tinnitus and start searching for the noise, two things helped me, acceptance & moving on stay healthy, God Bless!
  2. O

    It Does Get Better!

    SomeGreyBloke , thank you pal, I completely agree, it is getting better
  3. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    Ok it has been like 13 months and 10 days right now, and I am in a better position than my previous post, I experience gradual improvement because I made peace with the sound and convinced myself that I can happily live with tinnitus, there has been minor spikes but nothing like the first...
  4. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    I rarely drink alcohol, but I consume excessive amounts of caffeine both tea & coffee
  5. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    Gabri , I had severe ringing too, but I talked to people who have experienced tinnitus and got rid of it, that diminished the concern about tinnitus in my brain and helped me to ignore it, I am sure if I hadnt talked to those people I would have kept getting depressed about it and it would stay...
  6. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    Dja I was irritated by sounds in the first 4months then my sensitivity to loud sounds diminished and I am not much irritated by them, I did not try to avoid loud environments much, I kept on watching TV and went to cinema in the 5th month, I was forced to attend a loud wedding in the 2nd...
  7. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    Gabri, yes I sleep in total silence, like zero voice, maybe one or two cars passing from street every minute at around 1 AM that's like the only sound but I sleep almost exactly in the same comfort/peace as I used to before having T, some nights I just recall I am supposed to have Tinnitus and...
  8. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    Actually now it is even much better, even when Im in dead silence in the night I dont notice it unless I somehow start to think about it, I have noticed that even in total silence I dont hear unless I start looking out for it, it is still there but at a much lower volume, usually low enough to...
  9. O

    It Gets Better and Better but Very Slowly

    It was around 02:30 of June 24, I noticed my ear ringing while I was about to sleep I freaked out and was going mad, there was nobody home, I tried to sleep hoping it will go away in the morning, guess what It didnt! After 4 days It was finally gone, I was happy, though only for a day , because...