Recent content by papu

  1. papu


    As a long time tinnitus sufferer since an acoustic trauma in 2015, I can only hope to help by telling you that it does get better with time. I was where you are now at six months in. My marriage broke down, I faced full depression, and had suicidal thoughts. Believe me, it gets better; how long...
  2. papu

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    To be quite frank, I have never heard of those side effects with regards to Clonazepam. Actually it is supposed to be first line treatment for anxiety and panic attacks. You might be in more distress with your tinnitus since it is of very recent onset. The first two moths I was a...
  3. papu

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Propranolol won't help at all. Clonazepam (Rivotril, Klonopin) definitely helps to take the edge off tinnitus. In my case I usually take 1 mg with an empty stomach (effect seems quicker and last longer). The secret is to use it very occasionally only in times of real real distress, otherwise...
  4. papu

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I don't think anyone active on Tinnitus Talk forum has been in the trial. Even with a non-disclosure agreement, basically nobody here is using their real name. During the AM-101 trials we had a lot of posts from people participating in the trial (it was a large trial). So I really don't...
  5. papu

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Interesting conundrum. They are doing both studies at the same time (FX-322 and OTO-413). I don't really know which one would potentially benefit more since I mostly recovered from my mild hearing loss during these four years but still have tinnitus (high frequency) in right ear (I know I have...
  6. papu

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    No one can truly say. It all depends on how well it goes in next the trial. This time they will also be checking how it works for tinnitus. If the results are mind bending and very successful i am positive that we will be seeing something in less than 3 years with fast tracking. If the...
  7. papu

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    I not available anymore. Trobalt has very hard side effects that why it was discontinued. I tried it myself and it gave me some of the more quiet days i had ever had and at some points i thought it might cure me. Soon i realized that the effect is only transitory and you have to keep raising...
  8. papu

    Otonomy OTO-313 — Treatment of Tinnitus

    AM 101 was intended for the acute phase of tinnitus (first 3 months), later they extended the trial for up to a year and both fail to give any positive result. Similar way of acting in the same receptor (NMDA) but with a stronger (more affinity or more potent) product than AM 101 as i...
  9. papu

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Jason37 is not in the trial.
  10. papu

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    It is a small trial and probably the people that are in it are not active in the forum or the tinnitus community. So hopefully they did get better and had improvements and told their families, doctors and friends. Also not everyone is posting everyday on Facebook or Twitter so I am keeping...
  11. papu

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I think that they must be very rare. I had a lot of injections while in AM-101 trial with no real discomfort and each puncture was pretty much closed in the next session.
  12. papu

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    @kelpiemsp Hi i hope you can Tell me based on your trial, how long do you have yo stay in Minnesota to take part in the trial?
  13. papu

    Living with Tinnitus and What Drug Regimen Has Helped Me

    I suffered an acoustic trauma on March 7, 2015. Since then been living with tinnitus. The first month was the worst. I went through the whole process we all go through, why me, a lot of crying, anxiety, loss of sleep and suicidal thoughts. Joined the AM-101 program, went to three rounds...
  14. papu

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    The earliest in my humble opinion from everything that is going on currently maybe in five years and if only everything runs perfectly (meeting or exceeding expected results in each phase).
  15. papu

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    although not mention directly in the article, the process for hair cell regeneration falls into the regeneritive or RMAT (regenerative medicine advanced therapy) designation. Hopefully this will speed up the process for freq tx and other companies.