Recent content by Patrickgpiper

  1. Patrickgpiper

    Notched Music Therapy (DIY, AudioNotch, etc.)

    I am interested in the experiences of any who have used Audio Notch Therapy to treat their tinnitus. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  2. Patrickgpiper

    Balloon Sinuplasty

    I am convinced that my tinnitus is a result of hearing loss resulting from allergies and chronic congestion. Would be interested in anyone who has had balloon sinuplasty and results. Was it effective and worthwhile? What did it cost? Did your insurance cover the procedure? Thanks for any response.
  3. Patrickgpiper

    Newbie from Florida

    Hey Y’all! I am a 68 year old male in reasonably good health. Just over a year ago I woke up with what I assumed was a plugged left ear and tinnitus. Living with a dog and being allergic to dog dander, I had become habituated to chronic congestion and earaches which I treated with decongestants...