Recent content by Paul D

  1. Paul D

    Poll: Does Tinnitus Keep You from Having a Job?

    You sound like tiny T. No offense, but if you had bad T, you wouldn't state this. You nor anyone else has any concept of how "bad" my or anyone else's T is, just as I/we cannot know exactly what you are experiencing. We're all different with respect to T, hoping to find some solace, comfort...
  2. Paul D


    Relapse? This is not an addiction, it is an affliction. One either has Tinnitus or they don't. There are many catalysts that contribute to daily, weekly, or monthly spikes in severity. Regardless, it's still there, somewhere in the background. How one copes with it on a daily, weekly basis is...
  3. Paul D

    The Voice Contestants, Judges, Loud Music, No Hearing Protection? Is This a Complete Brain Problem?

    In reference to The Voice, I often crank it way up on the sound system. Seems to have absolutely no effect on my Tinnitus later that evening or the following day(s). But then again, when you were a kid, did you ever experience prolonged ringing in the ears after a real loud or extended noise...
  4. Paul D

    Your Tinnitus Sound

    Just Google "Cicada Sounds" or "Cricket Sounds" for representative audio tracks. Found a few pretty close to mine, depending on the day, stress level, sleep, and diet influences. Played such sounds to my wife a few years ago..."Oh my gosh, Honey, That's what you hear!?" e.g...
  5. Paul D

    Poll: Does Tinnitus Keep You from Having a Job?

    Don't just lie down and take it...Power through it. Everyone in this forum is suffering to one degree or another; You are not terminally unique. Eventually, with or without improvement, you will have more good days than bad. The good days will come sooner if you accept your situation and move...
  6. Paul D

    Fluctuating Tinnitus Must Mean More...

    Some of these threads, like this one, have been going on for years, now. As I suspected early on, there is no real solution, no cure, no "one size fits all" remedy. Doctors, therapists, counselors, and the like don't know squat. They cannot offer accurate diagnosis on an affliction for which...
  7. Paul D

    Kevin Hogan Recovered After 2.5 Years

    Thousands of professionals have found no effective, empirical treatment toward eventual recovery, yet this for-profit program/theory outside of the medical community is the answer?!
  8. Paul D

    Tinnitus caused by aspirin

    I've tried eliminating aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophin, and other over-the-counters on an individual basis with absolutely no results. Same with foodstuffs, although when a spike's coming on, I've found that some foodstuffs do indeed exacerbate the situation, ramping up the T significantly...
  9. Paul D

    Tinnitus Has Taken My Life Away

    Great analogy by Dan T above. Neenie, if it is Tinnitus, you will, over time, develop internal coping mechanisms to get you through the day, week, or sometimes longer with little relief. I too was in a state of semi-panic the first six months, but over time came to recognize the symptoms and...
  10. Paul D

    Most Quiet Day Ever... Why?

    I have more quiet, or relatively quiet, days now than I did over the last couple of years. I'm convinced that they're coming more frequently because I've made a concentrated, conscious effort not to allow my T level to dominate my daily life. Bad day, high intensity T? OK, accept it the best I...
  11. Paul D

    "Don't listen to people on those forums" - Heard it before?

    This forum works because nobody's trying to sell you on a particular product, treatment, and/or cure. And when an attempt is made to falsely promote some panacea, disguised as a caring, informed response from some quasi-professional, most people here see right through it, disuading people new to...
  12. Paul D

    Tinnitus Loudness

    My own internal volume level varies from almost imperceptable (rare) to excruciating (occasional). I've found it best to try not to directly, cognatively recognize it on an hour-by-hour, day-by-day basis, although when it's excruciating it's pretty tough to ignore or accept it. Likewise, when I...
  13. Paul D

    Almost a year later... I need advice

    Over the last year I’ve come to realize that the only thing I have control over is my reaction to Tinnitus, not the severity of the condition itself at any point in time. Constantly monitoring the intensity tends to make a bad episode worse and a tolerable or quiet period shorter. Yes, sometimes...
  14. Paul D

    15 Seconds...

    Mine stops almost completely every once in a while. Don't know if it's minutes, an hour, or more, as I have learned not to look a gift horse in the mouth. If I notice it's really low or almost completely unnoticable, I try to think about something else. It ALWAYS comes back, so figure I better...