Recent content by PauloZ

  1. PauloZ

    The Paul Stamets Stack for Tinnitus & Hyperacusis — Post Your Experience

    Since truffles with the same working substance as the mushrooms are still legal in my country, I have tried the whole package. I tried it mainly for tinnitus, since i barely have hyperacusis. Only in the beginning of my tinnitus onset was I intolerent to loud noises. It has not really helped...
  2. PauloZ

    Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) for Tinnitus & Hearing Loss

    Has anyone tried Bee Venom supplements? I can order Bee Venom capsules and also Bee Venom ointment. I might give it a try. It's not that expensive.
  3. PauloZ

    Lenire — User Experiences and Reviews

    So I posted the above a long time ago, but never followed up. Here is my follow up: The first time I tried Lenire I strictly followed the protocol and it didn't help. Afterwards I went back to Hannover, they changed the software a bit to a different program. Not noticeable, but the time...
  4. PauloZ

    Pipeline Therapeutics

    Good question, I couldn't find it either.
  5. PauloZ

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Well, I had a decent experience. Only complaint I have is that their ENT department is a bit chaotic. In Hannover you have to deal with the ENT department and the German Hearing Center (audiologists). And a lot of waiting on all the ENT exams. I also would advice to bring someone who can speak...
  6. PauloZ

    Pipeline Therapeutics

    You are going to try it? Do you mean you have access to this NGP-555?
  7. PauloZ

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Yes I did. See my post in the Lenire User Experiences thread.
  8. PauloZ

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I have been to Hannover.
  9. PauloZ

    Cilantro Extract

    Yeah right?! Where do you even get so many cilantro plants/leaves? It is mostly used as a herb, so to add a little bit to a meal. I think I have to start growing cilantro 'weed' style. LoL :p
  10. PauloZ

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    I read through this thread and I believe your Tinnitus Mix could help some people with their tinnitus. I'm even thinking of trying it myself. But now you claim it can help Raynaud's syndrome? Sorry, but I can hardly believe that. How can a sound from a headphone reduce spasm in fingers. How can...
  11. PauloZ

    Cilantro Extract

    Hi Deb, I've been on it for 1-2 weeks now. I have not noticed a change yet. But I also think it might be that the recommended dosage is too low. Maybe it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier? I think I will need to find some more info on the matter. The info on the cilantro extract says I...
  12. PauloZ

    BPC-157 Peptide for Treating Tinnitus

    I can just buy this on Amazon? @FGG Why did you try this? What is the theory behind it that it could help with tinnitus? Sorry to hear it gave you more visual snow.
  13. PauloZ

    Cilantro Extract

    Very interesting study indeed, great find. I think I am going to try it as well. Although at the end they give this summary: "In summary, quercetin activates KCNQ channels by an atypical mechanism that may lead the way to a new chemical space for novel modes of pharmacological KCNQ activation...
  14. PauloZ

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Tinnitus

    @Christiaan Any luck in reaching out to her (Rianne)?