Recent content by Pearce Selleck

  1. Pearce Selleck

    New to Tinnitus and Looking for Some Guidance...

    Thanks OddV I'll most definitely prepare for the worst and hope for the best. It's a great strategy in life. & Max_Fcktr...I live in Australia and haven't been able to find such a trial center. I'll be seeking out some answers and guidance from my GP talking specifically about AM-101. Cheers!
  2. Pearce Selleck

    New to Tinnitus and Looking for Some Guidance...

    I've always had small, short stints of T, lasting 10 seconds at most, I thought this was something everyone experienced. About a month ago I went free diving and while I was at the bottom (7m) my ear began to ring.... It hasn't stopped. I went to my GP after 3 days. He, a sufferer of T, told me...
  3. Pearce Selleck

    I can do this!

    I can do this!