It really sucks because I struggle so bad with my mental health. I can’t and don’t function. But so many mental health meds can aggravate existing tinnitus or even cause it. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
Today is day 5 of taking lamictal/lamotrigine. Last night I noticed a new tone in my right ear that is still there today. Could just be a spike but if it persists tomorrow I’m probably going to stop the medicine.
@TheCapybara Thanks, I hope you are too! My T is ever present and still bothers me sometimes. Most of the time it’s just a nuisance that I try not to think about but I do have moments where it brings me anxiety. An ongoing battle as I’m sure you know!! Hope you’re hanging in there.
@henkess I’ve also seen incidents where it has helped people’s T, and others where it has no positive or negative impact on it. It really is just individual. Hoping it at least doesn’t worsen mine. I don’t have much of a choice as I need to take this med.
Due to my mental health, I have to start taking the mood stabilizer lamictal/lamotrigine. I’m terrified that it’s going to make my T worse. I have a friend who takes it and also has T and said it didn’t make it worse, so that’s good I guess.
Hey all. Hope everyone's hanging in there. Thought I'd pop in and say I'm having more anxiety with my T, which happens every few months but eventually settles. Thinking about you all.
Yesterday was 2 years with T. It’s been making me anxious again lately. IDK if it’s actually any worse or if I’m just more aware of it. But for the most part I handled my T much better this year than the last. Hoping each year is easier. Hang in there guys <3
Sorry to hear you’re feeling similar to how I felt last year ;( I think what helped me on my worst days was doing things that could offer distraction from my T even if it was only for a few moments at a time. Video games (low volume), reading outside, watching vids from my fav youtubers (on...