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  • Anyone here get accidentally hit in the ear while wearing plugs? I hope that heals - wondering what time frame it could be. :-(
    aura, you have a cold? You are shocked? Wow, colds still exist. U are so disappointed, it's not covid?
    If I am inside and there's no noise, nothing loud, anyway - why is this tinnitus suddenly spiking/loud as all h*ll?
    How come there's no laser surgery yet to "turn off" tinnitus (connection with the brain and ears, correct?)?
    A spike came after a truck applied engine brakes. Please can this be temporary. Can anyone tell me if you ever got a spike from that?
    Does anyone here with severe tinnitus use a computer? I am broke but I miss not using a computer.
    Hi Pete. I hope you're getting some rest despite the monster in your ears. Is there some type of music that you can put on in the background, something that doesn't really draw your attention to it? I used to love silence but now - not so much. Nowadays I usually have music on in the background.
    Unfortunately, music, tv etc. in the background seems to 'aggravate' my T. I have tried music for bed time and it doesn't work. It seems it all depends whether it has calmed down. The only thing that seems to distract is talking in person to people.
    Many people here report their hyperacusis fading with time, so there is good reason to hope for that improving.
    Hi, Pete just remember you're very early in your onset and that you already reported lows, so you have a higher chance or potential of it fading away.
    Not completely, you never know, but to a sound that is at least tolerable and that is a NEAR certainty as long as you protect your ears and try not to focus.
    It's always so hard the first month, for me, the first two weeks I didn't get any sleep at all.
    I was lucky to even get 10. But you ALREADY have lows and that's a good thing. Look forward to the fading, okay?
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