Recent content by Petey

  1. P

    Beautiful Silence After Elimination Diet — Cutting Out Gluten, Oils, Chocolate Relieved My Tinnitus

    Elimination diets are great to try. I have eliminated all oils, wheat, barley, rye, chocolate. Chocolate was the last item that made my ears ring... I also do not eat potato skins, sweet potato skins or tomato skins/seeds. NO FRIED FOOD, no processed meats. I am going to try eating oats again...
  2. P

    Has Anybody Noticed a Connection Between Tinnitus and Wheat?

    Hello, I did not know where to post this to do the most good. I have had tinnitus for many years from crickets to whirring sounds. Level 7-8? I was able to bring it to basically zero thru diet modification. I hope this may help others. I follow Dr Joel Wallach's recommendations. I eliminated...
  3. P

    Has Anybody Noticed a Connection Between Tinnitus and Wheat?

    Hello, I have had many levels of ringing to mild crickets in both ears for many years. I also have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. After much reading about gluten/wheat, I decided to quit eating it for the benefits others have had with inflammation/arthritis. Three weeks in and I...