Recent content by Ping43

  1. P

    A Stitch In Time

    @Autumnly I would agree that "you let tinnitus win" is a bad choice of words. However, fear is something that can be overcome. Most fears are irrational and are distorted thoughts. To overcome fears you must jump in. It sucks, it's hard but its possible to overcome. I'm still very much new to...
  2. P

    A Stitch In Time

    Look I am always very reluctant to take to heart with what is posted on this forum. I have to remind myself everyday that people who post (the majority) are people who are currently suffering. At the end of the day it is your choice. Life is full of choices and life is full of uncertainties. I...
  3. P

    A Stitch In Time

    Yes, I would go. Life is far too short. Life is meant for living. Wear the earplugs, who cares. I doubt anyone would even give it a second thought! Enjoy yourself, if you chose to go! :)
  4. P

    Don’t Know If I Can Keep Going

    @TracyJS Hello Tracy. I am so sorry you are suffering so bad. I just wanted to extend support if you ever need it. I see that you live in Illinois. I also live in Illinois and I just wanted to let you know that if you need some support you can always reach out to me. I don't visit the site...
  5. P

    3.5 Month Update

    @Bill Bauer I appreciate your concern. But I am comfortable with my choices. Using ear plugs for my normal daily life will just instill negative thinking and bad habit. My t no longer spikes and as I have said before I believe it is decreasing or I am habituating. Since mine is AD (lexapro)...
  6. P

    3.5 Month Update

    @Lane Thank you for your kind words!! Hope you are coping well!!
  7. P

    3.5 Month Update

    @jimH Thank you so much for your kind words! It hasn’t been the easier journey but it’s one that will make me stronger. I hope you are coping well!! I will for sure come back when I feel I am closer to 100%. The journey is most certainly a one step forward two steps back, two steps forward and...
  8. P

    3.5 Month Update

    Thank you for your kind words! You will get there. It’s a lot of work and a lot of good positive self talk. The first 2 months were horrible! I even went to the emergency room because I had a complete melt down and didn’t know where to turn. It was nice to talk to a human doctor who had sympathy...
  9. P

    3.5 Month Update

    @Greg Sacramento Thank you so much for your kind words! I am really sorry to hear that your tinnitus worsened due to an accident. I do hope you have a decrease in volume soon or feel at peace with it once again! This is a horrible affliction that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I will forever...
  10. P

    3.5 Month Update

    @fishbone Oh I don’t disagree at all. I am so thankful I had found this forum to read so many positive posts. I have saved the posts on my computer that I like and read when I have a bad moment. It’s hard being on the forums because it’s just a daily reminder that I am suffering. And plus I...
  11. P

    3.5 Month Update

    Bill we can most certainly agree to disagree. I believe this a journey that is very unique for everyone. Would i still like for it to go away? Yes. But if it doesn’t I’d rather not give it any power. I’m only 28 and I still have a lot of good years left. Also, I would say that I live a quiet...
  12. P

    It’s Time

    You can do this!! I hope you find the strength with in yourself to over come this. Treat yourself well. You deserve it. Just know that once you get to the other side you’ll be so much stronger. And remember it’s okay to cry and be frustrated just don’t let it over come you. What I do when I feel...
  13. P

    3.5 Month Update

    Like I said Bill, you live your life as you see fit. You use a lot of posts from people who are still suffering from t. And quite frankly it makes a huge difference. I know several people in my life who have t and none are bothered by it in the slightest. No one can be sure that t will go away...
  14. P

    3.5 Month Update

    Well Bill. How did I know that you would come here and tear down my post? I can hear mine in the shower so I would say that pretty darn loud. Maybe not I don’t know. People have the choice to live the life they want too. I however choose to live my life the way I want to and not let t bring me...
  15. P

    3.5 Month Update

    I try not to visit this forum too much anymore as it just instills to much negative thinking preventing me from getting better. However I just wanted to come back today and give some newbies some hope that things can get better, even in a short amount of time. I can still hear my tinnitus...