Recent content by Pos

  1. Pos

    Hey did your T improve at all over time? I did the exact same as you and gave myself T with a...

    Hey did your T improve at all over time? I did the exact same as you and gave myself T with a tone generator. I have nerve tingling down my face and my ears are cracking and popping like crazy similar to you. Curious how long it took you?
  2. Pos

    My Tinnitus Has Seriously Improved Over 6 Months Since Acoustic Trauma

    My audiogram is normal except for a tiny dip at 13 kHz, which she said wasn't significant. The ETD was caused by acoustic trauma.
  3. Pos

    My Tinnitus Has Seriously Improved Over 6 Months Since Acoustic Trauma

    I had a terrible episode after playing with the speaker. It was next to my head, and I played frequencies upwards of 13000 Hz at around 80-90 dB for 10 minutes. I didn't think this would be bad, but the following six months completely changed me. For the first two weeks, I was on Prednisone 50...
  4. Pos

    4 Months Post Acoustic Trauma: Facial Tingling and Nerve Pain Persist

    I apply it all around my ears on the outside. It gives instant relief for the tingling. Now I'm kind of addicted to applying it :D
  5. Pos

    4 Months Post Acoustic Trauma: Facial Tingling and Nerve Pain Persist

    Hi guys, I damaged my ears 4 months ago (however, no hearing loss). As a result I got tinnitus which was severe at the beginning 10/10, I wanted to jump off a cliff, but it slowly got better over time. I also had some crazy nerve pain and my ears felt like they were dancing 24/7 along with ETD...
  6. Pos

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    → German study confirms efficacy of Irish tinnitus therapy Just read this about Lenire. Always good to see independent studies being done. I'm sure we'll see more in the future.
  7. Pos

    From Suicide Back to Normal Life Thanks to Habituation

    Do you have any ear tingling or nerve pain? I am 4 months in, and my ears are still tingling, plus I have nerve pain running down the side of my face. My ears are still popping like crazy which I thought would be gone by now.
  8. Pos

    I'm only on it 2 weeks but my tinnitus hasn't been too bad lately, cant tell if its to do with...

    I'm only on it 2 weeks but my tinnitus hasn't been too bad lately, cant tell if its to do with the dahlia. I'm thinking about stopping taking it to see if my T gets worse after coming off it.
  9. Pos

    TU Delft & Prof. Dirk De Ridder — Bimodal Stimulation Device for Treating Tinnitus

    There is already literature on animal AND human testing... Yeah I'm a bit suss too. Prof. De Ridder's War on Tinnitus presentation mentioned using Dahlia4 to reduce hypothalamic inflammation. He then linked a Dahlia4 supplement created by another researcher at his university. That seems a bit...
  10. Pos

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Auricle is really no different to Lenire. Both are bimodal stimulation. I am lost as to how you have managed to convince yourself that Lenire is just a placebo effect.
  11. Pos

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I disagree because people who have fully habituated are no longer bothered if they get their tinnitus reduced/cured. Each to their own though ;)
  12. Pos

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I fully agree with you. When tinnitus is severe, it is extremely difficult to habituate to it. However, if one does manage to habituate to it, then it is no different to someone habituating at a mild level. They have both habituated. I'm not discounting anyone. Severe tinnitus is ruthless and I...
  13. Pos

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Habituation is no different to having your tinnitus reduce. Everyone on Tinnitus Talk is obsessed with reducing their tinnitus because they have not yet habituated to it and can't fathom what habituation even feels like. If Lenire can speed up people's habituation, thus allowing people to get...