Recent content by Pranathi Vemuri

  1. Pranathi Vemuri

    Tinnitus Since 3 Weeks Every Second of the Day

    Thanks a lot for the support and kind words.
  2. Pranathi Vemuri

    Tinnitus Since 3 Weeks Every Second of the Day

    So far no one could find the cause for me. I am stuck with this crickets in my head. Actually, I do have a hard time with my neck every day. I wake up with a sore neck and shoulder pain. I mentioned this to my PCP too, I am surprised by how little they care.
  3. Pranathi Vemuri

    Tinnitus Since 3 Weeks Every Second of the Day

    Hi, I have been having tinnitus off and on for about 3 months now. But last time after it was triggered during a massage where I had an episode of light headedness, nausea, and ringing all in combination. The ringing hasn't left me at all. It's been 3 weeks since that happened. I have had...