Recent content by PrimateSummer

  1. PrimateSummer

    Samantha Baines — New British Tinnitus Association (BTA) Ambassador

    Making jokes about something that is hard for you, helps some people to deal with their situation. I do the same thing a lot. Everyone has their own way of expressing themselves, maybe this is hers. And if she is still raising awareness of tinnitus then even better. That's just my opinion...
  2. PrimateSummer

    Hello Everyone, Another Ringer Here (Tinnitus Started from Antidepressant Venlafaxine)

    Ah sorry to hear that. Yes I think it's interesting how each person's tinnitus can be affected differently by different things. I think one main thing I found is that if I go into a situation thinking that it will make my tinnitus worse, it usually does. :)
  3. PrimateSummer

    Acceptance of My Tinnitus

    Hi, another new member here. I'm 23 and I've had tinnitus since the beginning of 2016. I had a very bad head cold and ear infection, I remember having very loud whooshing noises in my ears - much worse in my right ear. After the infection went, tinnitus remained. I had a hard time accepting it...
  4. PrimateSummer

    Hello Everyone, Another Ringer Here (Tinnitus Started from Antidepressant Venlafaxine)

    I also have depression and anxiety; I am on an anti-depressant called Fluoxetine, I have been on it for many years. It helps me to manage my depression and anxiety, while not effecting my tinnitus.