Recent content by QQuentin

  1. QQuentin

    Advice for Handling Tinnitus Spikes — What Can I Do to Relax Myself?

    Side note- I see that VRChat profile picture, add me! (same name as here) With spikes I like to have background noise and sidetrack myself with a game or video. Not particularly to mask, but just to shift focus from the tinnitus and to a certain task.
  2. QQuentin

    Auditory Hallucinations When Tinnitus Gets Worse?

    I've had tinnitus all of my life, but recently (around 2016), when my tinnitus "acts up" (don't know the terminology) I sometimes will hear things like music, repetitive noises (beeps, phone notifications, knocks, etc), and especially while I'm trying to sleep, voices. It's gotten worse the past...
  3. QQuentin

    Happy to Find a Forum About Tinnitus!

    Hello, my name's Quentin and I study both Computer Science and American Sign Language in college. I didn't know a forum existed for people with tinnitus, I'm very glad to have stumbled across this. I've had tinnitus pretty much forever. I can't really say when it started, but when I was 8...