Recent content by Quintus

  1. Q

    A Cure for Tinnitus Is Inevitable

    The main reason why we still don't have a cure for tinnitus is because there is simply too little research. It is no exaggeration to say that human hearing is the most neglected and overlooked organ in medical research. Audiology and otology are the few areas of medicine that have made zero...
  2. Q

    Why Is There No Cure for Tinnitus?

    It is a sad fact that audiology and otology have made zero progress in recent decades. Really zero progress. It is one of the few branches of medicine that has not developed at all. The human auditory system is the most neglected and overlooked organ in medical research. The medical profession...
  3. Q

    Nasal Neomycin Drops for Throat Inflammation — A Bad Idea for a Tinnitus Sufferer?

    On the German version of Wikipedia the following is written: Of particular note is the ototoxicity (damage to the inner ear) of locally and topically applied aminoglycoside antibiotics such as neomycin, kanamycin and framycetin. Even very small amounts that reach the inner ear and enter the...
  4. Q

    PSA: The Dangers of Pure Tones, Tone Generators and Frequency Sweeps

    I compared a pure tone, in this case 14 kHz, with a music track. On the left side the pure tone, on the right side the music track. As you can see, the pure tone already looks threatening and dangerous in the graphic, and it is. A pure tone of a frequency of 14 kHz is already extremely dangerous...
  5. Q

    PSA: The Dangers of Pure Tones, Tone Generators and Frequency Sweeps

    The Swiss guy whose website I mentioned in my post above gives excellent explanations as to why pure tones are extremely dangerous. I found a document which was written by him and translated it into English by using an online translator. I attached the document. He refers to marten repellers in...
  6. Q

    PSA: The Dangers of Pure Tones, Tone Generators and Frequency Sweeps

    Thank you very much! That is exactly why I wrote this post, to warn other people about the danger!
  7. Q

    PSA: The Dangers of Pure Tones, Tone Generators and Frequency Sweeps

    Dear community! It is my concern to address an important issue. I am surprised that no one here has discussed this topic yet. I did a lot of research and found strong circumstantial evidence that indicates that pure tones are extremely dangerous. As I have read in several posts, some users test...