Recent content by r_ve

  1. r_ve

    Tinnitus Louder Because of Stress?

    @Christophe_85 No, I don't have hyperacousis at least now that I know of...
  2. r_ve

    Tinnitus Louder Because of Stress?

    Hello there, My tinnitus began 2 years ago through a loud new years eve fireworks and party night and during these 2 years, I habituated pretty well to my tinnitus to the point I wasn't listening to it anymore, even when going to bed. I had almost completely forgotten I had tinnitus. However...
  3. r_ve

    A Message to Frightened 'Anxious Newbies'.

    You know, Im so thankful for your post. It just gave me a little boost of confidence. But I know that I will just fall into the same thinking tomorrow when I wake up, again. I always try to be positive about it, distracting myself when it gets bad, listening to white noise etc., but its so damn...
  4. r_ve

    A Message to Frightened 'Anxious Newbies'.

    Thanks for this post. Im now almost 7 months into it and I still think about it daily. At times where I am busy thinking about something else I almost cant hear it, but mostly its not the sound itself that disturbs me. Its the fact that I finally got to enjoy my life and the tinnitus took away...
  5. r_ve

    Tinnitus Gets Louder, Help Please

    @TheGagagirl1234 What sounds do you listen to? When it gets too loud again and I cant concencrate propery, I sometimes just play some random videos over YouTube, or white noise. @dan Its not extremely mild but loud enough that I can hear it clearly over my laptop in my room if I listen out for...
  6. r_ve

    Tinnitus Gets Louder, Help Please

    Hey, I have gotten my tinnitus for 5.5 months now because of a loud party at 18. Usually Im not the guy for a party every weekend and I never thought it could happen to me because I really never had much problems with my ears, but well, shit happens. It has started as a very quiet ringing in...
  7. r_ve

    Do I Have ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)?

    Thanks for your response :) Nah, sounds are still normal to me, it just feels like my T gets louder for a few seconds/minutes after loud noise (especially music), it doesnt even have to be that loud. Really? But my pressure is mostly just in one year is that normal, too? :/
  8. r_ve

    Do I Have ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)?

    Hello out there, the last few days, Im kind of keen to find an exact reason for the ringing in my ears. Ive got my T for 4.5 months now, its not very loud, but the volume is very incosistent. In the morning it usually is the worst and in the evening it (sometimes) gets better to the point where...
  9. r_ve

    Hello Guys! Tinnitus Since 4 Months!

    Hey Jokko, I really know how you feel because im in almost the same position! I have mine for 4 months now, too, I was at a loud party and firecrackers exploded near my ear and I still can hear mine. Its not really loud, if I dont concencrate on it, I usually dont hear it, but when it gets quiet...
  10. r_ve

    Pressure in the Right Ear — What Can It Be?

    Hey, Since I got tinnitus 4 months ago because of an exploding firecracker, I feel a pressure in my right ear, especially when I hold my nose and try to exhale through my nose => a pressure inside the ear that never went away even once since then. My tinnitus is also mainly on the right side...
  11. r_ve

    Poll: Do You Know Anyone Whose Tinnitus Went Away?

    Yea three good friends of me (I know of) have/had tinnitus. One got it in his early teens through a medicament (I think) and still has to live with it until now in his late teens. The other one got it through loud music (he fell asleep on music speakers) and told me it took months until it...
  12. r_ve

    Hello There ~

    Hey guys / girls and thanks for welcoming me! Thank you for responding. You're right, sometimes I just don't care about my tinnitus and other times I feel like my life has lost all its meaning. Also, my tinnitus is VEEEERY inconsistent.... it changes its volume (sometimes its very loud...
  13. r_ve

    MDMA (a Component of Ecstacy) Potential for the Treatment of Tinnitus

    I have read of that, same with LSD. Since my tinnitus, I have done MDMA and it neither improved nor made it any worse. I think it may be good for changing your attitude towards your tinnitus (because MDMA can change your view on life and how you think about things, sometimes you find a new...
  14. r_ve

    Hello There ~

    Hello, I'm a 19 year old student from Bavaria, Germany and got my tinnitus for exactly 3 months and 20 days now. I registered here because I feel like I have to interact with other people who have the same problem. I never had big issues with my ears, and I went out partying at New Years Eve...