Recent content by Rahamut Mohammed

  1. Rahamut Mohammed

    Vinpocetine — An Honest Opinion

    I can only say what has worked for my wife after the trying times we have had. Carvinton forte has been tested in Europe and is commonly used there for a variety of ailments one of them being a loss of hearing due to tinnitus. It is more commonly used for stroke victims( my wife had a stroke and...
  2. Rahamut Mohammed

    Vinpocetine — An Honest Opinion

    Carvinton forte is not a herbal remedy. It has been tested extensively in Europe and is used there. I was told by a friend that the US F&D has not approved this drug for use in the US but persons are buying it and bringing it into the US for friends and family. Where I live in the Caribbean, we...
  3. Rahamut Mohammed

    Hearing Aids

    My wife's experience with hearing aids is that the hearing aid amplifies whatever it picks up and causes more problems. You need to get the Tinnitus under control first before you can benefit from using a hearing aid. You might be able to do this using a drug called Carvinton Forte 10mg..I am no...
  4. Rahamut Mohammed

    Vinpocetine — An Honest Opinion

    Vinpocetine on Hi, My name is Rahamut and I DO NOT have Tinnitus. However my wife does and has had it for years. I have had the unfortunate task of trying to help her in any way that I can beat this thing it has been heart rending at times. Like many of you, she has had to endure...