Recent content by RangioraGirl

  1. RangioraGirl

    Drinking Tea Increases Tinnitus?

    Someone mentioned they had stopped drinking tea and alcohol, and this seemed to improve the tinnitus by making it quieter. I've tried everything so am still working on this. Anyone have any ideas here?
  2. RangioraGirl

    The Power of Accepting

    It has been hard for me to not hear the tinnitus and the anxiety can get to me. I use apps all the time, however some tend to increase the tinnitus so if I have had no sleep all night then I suffer during the day time. I have lately had pain all over the body, my muscles seem tighter, my face...
  3. RangioraGirl

    Can a Hearing Aid Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I have had questions in my mind about whether my hearing aids are contributing to the tinnitus. I also found the same Audiology online question as above. I had my hearing aids retuned and the audiologist said it was on the exact prescription for my hearing loss. However I find my right ear just...
  4. RangioraGirl

    Betaserc (Betahistine)

    I have been taking Bethistamine for 16 months now. I notice I am dry retching in the morning now, and sometimes if I take 2 Behist I feel not so giddy in the afternoons. ENT specialist has said I must take the 3 pills a day. The tinnitus hasn't improved. I have more problems with my right ear...
  5. RangioraGirl

    Ear Fullness and Balance

    I too have this balance sensation as if I have a slight sway. A Balance therapist has given me exercises to help correct the tendency to to to the left all the time. I have bad tinnitus in the right ear, and have tried using "resound" app to keep the noise down. It doesn't seem to work very...
  6. RangioraGirl

    Low-Pitched Humming = Meniere's?

    Gin, I seem to have similar symptoms to you, i.e. occasional dizzyness, balance problems, humming in the ear all the time. I have been on behistamine 3 tabs a day, occasionally if feeling nauseus taking buccastem. I believe behistamine is a antihistamine, would taking lipoflavinoids be ok, also...
  7. RangioraGirl

    High-Pitched Sounds in Ear

    What is the suggested thing to do if suddenly you get a high pitched sound in your ear. I suddenly find I do not like wearing my hearing aid, as there is a high pitched noise that has suddenly started at around 4.30pm. The ear seems to become sensitive to noise, so I have put my aid to another...
  8. RangioraGirl

    Tinnitus Retraining Very Challenging

    How often do you take the behistamine, I take one 8.15am, 11.00am, and again about 4.00pm or later if all goes well in the day. What is the cinnarazine for?
  9. RangioraGirl

    Clicking in Ears

    Hi people, Does anyone know why there's clicking noises in the ear, I get a series of wee clicks say 5-6 then a long pause, about 2 or 3 times in the first hour of sleeping. Then it doesn't happen any more. Also I get a sharp jolt-like click in the ear and the it doesn't occur any further...
  10. RangioraGirl

    Tinnitus Retraining Very Challenging

    Thanks Glynis I have just had a new prescription of Buccastem. I have to take this after food. Over the weekend I was vomitting in the morning after getting up. The thought of food made me sick. Yesterday, I took the Buccastem after eating the lunch and felt a whole lot better, and the day went...
  11. RangioraGirl

    Tinnitus Retraining Very Challenging

    I am currently with Bay Audiology and they still haven't come up with any solutions to my aid problems. It is the right ear that is the problem child. I hear perfectly in the left air, and sounds are normal there. But the left ear seems to not have the sound correct, like I don't hear much in...
  12. RangioraGirl

    Tinnitus Retraining Very Challenging

    I have had Ménière's since Nov 2015. Have found the retraining therapy very Challenging. I am using resound relief app, but find at night it is not getting anywhere. Mornings is particularly loud and higher pitched. I tried all the sounds. Possibly the beach once more calming. Have tried whist...