Recent content by regreatful

  1. R

    Losing Hope I Will Ever Be Happy Again

    Thank you. I'm almost in tears as I write this. T can be really hard to deal with. It's not fair to my family that I an so depressed about this. Sometimes I just want to give up.
  2. R

    Losing Hope I Will Ever Be Happy Again

    I got my Tinnitus about 15 months ago from a concert. It has gotten a lot better, but I am losing hope it will continue to fade. I have some good days, but some bad days. Even what I have now (mild Tinnitus) I am depressed and angry about getting Tinnitus, and the fact nobody really understands...
  3. R

    I Can't Live Like This

    Piercing ring gone, but still have ringing/hissing. It's getting better, but I can't take it. I am so depressed, I just want to die to finally get silence. No way I can live like this. Will it ever end?
  4. R

    Very Strange Spike Middle of the Night

    I've been struggling for 6 months with T since going to an outdoor concert. The T has been SLOWLY improving (about 50% better) but last night it spiked in the middle of the night for no reason. It actually woke me up, and for a couple hours I laid in bed very upset. I finally feel back to...
  5. R

    New and Scared, Is My Life Over?

    Thanks No hearing loss. The concert wasn't even that loud, and we only went to the stage to dance maybe 6 times through out the evening. It was just the last dance it got pretty loud with all the people hooting and screaming, so we left the dance floor right away.
  6. R

    New and Scared, Is My Life Over?

    Thanks for your positive post. I don't talk about this to my friends or family because they would never understand, and I'm afraid they would think it's no big deal. My wife and I are going through this alone. yes I am masking with fountains and sound machines. The sound of water or rain seems...
  7. R

    New and Scared, Is My Life Over?

    I'm new here and am terribly depressed. I went to a band concert (outside) to do some dancing and have a couple drinks, and I'm left with a horrible ringing/hissing in my ears. It has improved over the last 6 months, but it still bothers me and makes me very depressed. My wife and I did some...