Recent content by rewgs

  1. rewgs

    Hyperacusis/Noxacusis: Various Types of Pain and Their Associations

    It was the stupidest, most banal thing I can imagine. Long story short, I was cleaning my Britta filter and its handle broke and it made the most absurdly loud sound ever. It's like an inch thick piece of plastic so it makes sense that it'd be so loud, but I didn't expect it, and my right ear...
  2. rewgs

    When My Tinnitus Ear Has High Pressure, the Tinnitus Goes Silent

    Resurrecting this thread and putting it back on topic... I recently had another pain hyperacusis setback. As I've always done during times like these, I'm doing hyperbaric oxygen treatment. After every treatment, my tinnitus is unbelievably quiet for about 5 minutes. It's not silent, but man...
  3. rewgs

    Hyperacusis/Noxacusis: Various Types of Pain and Their Associations

    Exact same situation here. Former very serious musician. I just had a setback that undid my previous 2 years of healing. At this point I'm just ready to give up. It's too much.
  4. rewgs

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    Yup, I've experienced the same thing. For whatever reason, speakers are just worse for hyperacusis, no matter the sound.
  5. rewgs

    Had a Setback After Being Exposed to Music at a Record Store and I'm Starting to Get Nervous

    Interesting! I haven't tried that. I recently went on Lexapro after hemming and hawing for years, and besides a month of glory, it's been pretty useless. Maybe I could kill two birds with one stone and switch to Duloxetine.
  6. rewgs

    Had a Setback After Being Exposed to Music at a Record Store and I'm Starting to Get Nervous

    Yup. I’ve managed for years to avoid a downturn this bad, reading about those who wear ear defenders all day and never leave their house. As real as the threat was to me, I never actually thought I myself would get this bad. In a way I almost want this to become more common. Not because I wish...
  7. rewgs

    What Are the Chances of a Cure/Treatment for Hyperacusis in 10-20 Years?

    This is not an opinion, but yeah, cool.
  8. rewgs

    What Are the Chances of a Cure/Treatment for Hyperacusis in 10-20 Years?

    The fact that you seem dismissive of the different terms and fail to understand that "pain hyperacusis/noxacusis" are terms created to differentiate from "loudness hyperacusis" (i.e. plain old "hyperacusis") is pretty telling to me. You may have dealt with severe hyperacusis, but not noxacusis...
  9. rewgs

    Objective Measurement of Tinnitus — ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response)

    Perhaps this test is simply essentially showing the brain activity of tinnitus... happening? Seeing as it's a sound that we hear, the act of hearing it and listening to it will of course by definition show brain activity. I of course am not a doctor but my rudimentary understanding makes me...
  10. rewgs

    Pain Hyperacusis in Relation to Acoustic Shock & Synapse Disconnection

    Wow, what an incredible post! You are a ridiculously clear thinker. I intentionally fully quoted this post, big as it is, so as to repeat it for people who are new to this thread. I think a good way of summing up your theory is that it's essentially "tendinitis of the ear." I've unfortunately...
  11. rewgs

    Had a Setback After Being Exposed to Music at a Record Store and I'm Starting to Get Nervous

    I'm in the exact same boat. I developed mild loudness hyperacusis in 2017, it went away, came back with a vengeance as moderate loudness hyperacusis in 2020. Since then it's been a balancing act of isolating and keeping it from getting worse, slowly working up to louder sounds, feeling pretty...
  12. rewgs

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection with Pre-Existing Tinnitus

    Double vaccinated (Moderna) and I just got Omicron. The vaccine had zero impact on my tinnitus, but COVID-19 itself has spiked my tinnitus a LOT. It is a good deal louder in both ears. It's been about two weeks since the onset of symptoms, so I'm hoping it will go down with time, but I'm...
  13. rewgs

    Nothing I've Tried Has Helped My Ringing Ears — Why Doesn't Someone Develop a Cure?

    What specifically does he talk about with regards to treatments/cures?
  14. rewgs

    Journal of Mild Tinnitus/Moderate Hyperacusis Treated with LLLT/Oxygen 3 Weeks Post Initial Trauma

    What exactly do you mean by "ear reset" here? I haven't heard this term before, especially with regards to (as implied by your language) fleeting tinnitus. Are you suggesting that fleeting tinnitus is a good thing or a good sign, or am I misunderstanding?
  15. rewgs

    My Audiogram from Yesterday Is Repeating in My Head

    I got an audiogram yesterday, and now my tinnitus has new tones that sound exactly like it: almost like a melody, slowly changing notes. New notes start and then fade, or change to a new note. This is the first time I've had tones that change, as opposed to the static ones I've had for years...