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  • It's not so bad if you keep yourself busy. Yea, it's there but just let it do its thing and you'll be fine. TRUST ME.
    Kind of wish they would invent a device that can record what our tinnitus sounds like so we could show people lol
    Been doing pretty good; going to get my Wisdom Teeth out today! Let's see how it goes. The doc said he thinks it's related.
    Honestly, don't think it's related but it will be nice to get them removed finally. Been bugging me for the longest time!
    Just got back from a long vacation/ road trip. My tinnitus rode back seat. Went to San Diego, Puerto Penasco, Yellowstone Nat'l park. :)
    Question, does you ear feel full? It's been 5 months and my ear still feels fat on the inside.
    According to some, this will be forever. However, I am just curious because that can't be right. Also, my 'bad ear' constantly pops really loud. Like not the normal crackle or thump. Like a Pap! I am flying to San Diego soon, I hope my ear finally pops with the pressure difference. Normally happens when I go to sea level or on a trip. Then everything gets really loud, etc.
    Still fighting this cold. Has no effect on my T. Everything is annoying not JUST my T. Be hopeful, friends :)
    I'm a little sick, I have a cold going on. Just taking it like a champ. Only thing I can do!
    My T is bothering me today because I'm sick. Hey, but truth is that everything is bothering me today because I'm sick!
    no life
    Get well soon
    Thanks, I'm actually feeling less congested already. Probably shouldn't be eating ice cream but it's ok lol
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