Recent content by Ricky81

  1. Ricky81

    Should I Cancel CT Scan?

    No... never cancel any medical examination especially a CT scan, xray or MRI I trust MRI or CT scan 100 times more than any human doctor.
  2. Ricky81

    Best Noise Canceling Head Phones

    Yes.. you will be surprised how quite it is. I know this from pre T and T experience and of course it felt more quite pre T. At home Now when I put them on.. I hear my T right away... before I could hear nothing but silence. Silence is truly golden.
  3. Ricky81

    Why Not Give Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) a Try?

    Which govt. Is the right govt then? Govt A that legalized drug Z, or Govt B that banned drug Z? Politicians could care less about you. Lol. They get paid by the millions by powerful lobbies and competing companies that most likely determines what is legal where. Look at the oil industry.
  4. Ricky81

    Why Not Give Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) a Try?

    Funny how govt. Can decide to ban a drug completely from patients while collecting tax money instead of letting doctors decide what's best for their patient.. or even better letting a patient decide what's best for him or her to live their one and only life how they choose
  5. Ricky81

    Door Slam Decibel

    Without a hearing test we don't know.. you can download hearing test app on your smartphone or pc and take one in a quite room with good speakers.
  6. Ricky81

    Why Not Give Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) a Try?

    I'm currently taking Topamax to control intracranial pressure and headaces due to head Trauma almost year ago.. I hate taking meds. All meds come with some long term side effects. No one knows if you take a particular med Trobalt etc..for 2 years what effect if will have on your kidneys...
  7. Ricky81

    Tinnitus Induced by Shock and Stress

    My concern is another noise or physical trauma can make things worse.
  8. Ricky81

    Just Need to Do a Little Venting ^^;

    The earplugs I bought came with a key chain ring container so I can hook it with my car keys so they go with me everywhere I go. I will post the link. I bought them from for 18 BUCKS..
  9. Ricky81

    Valtrex and Inner Ear Ringing

    I thought they gave Valtrex for herpes not T. Lol.. this is new.
  10. Ricky81

    Best Noise Canceling Head Phones

    I have bose... I like them. I bought them back in 2011 pre T...and still work great...of course I miss the silence now and how they remind me of the first time I put them on in 2011 and there was nothing but silence. The only thing I hate is it has a battery and a cable? Maybe the newer models...
  11. Ricky81

    Magnesium... Seems to Be Helping, Questions on Dosing

    I will have to bump up my mag 400mg tab intake. 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night starting today.
  12. Ricky81

    I Guess I Have Tinnitus

    Hang in there.... I could not sleep for a good month when I first got T. My ears, teeth, jaws, head were in pain because of an assault. My right optic nerve is still acting up. My left foot was hurt because i had to kick 1 of the 2 guys who was attacking me and that foot took 2 months to...
  13. Ricky81

    My Story

    Same here I don't go to clubs. I used to go a lot to mingle with girls and some guys hated that and got jealous so i roled my eyes at them and kepT doing it and that pissed them off. i went clubbing once last month came home and T spiked for a few days so I'm scared as fuk because I can't live...
  14. Ricky81

    I Have to Fly in a Couple of Months

    The age of the aircraft also plays a factor. I think the newer aircrafts might provide better db protection I remember flying to vegas in 2011 in a Boeing 757 older version and even with bose noise cancelation phones the sound of the engines was loud.