Recent content by Riz23

  1. R

    First Post — Noise Induced Tinnitus, 3 Months In

    Hi there, it was comforting coming across your post because I feel like I’m in the exact same position as you. I got tinnitus just over 2 months ago!
  2. R

    Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

    Hi, I’m planning on getting two of my wisdom teeth out in the next couple of months, and I am really worried it may cause a spike! How is your tinnitus? Did you get the procedure done under local or general anesthetic? Any tips. Thanks!
  3. R

    Hi, please can I also message you privately, I am only in my 2nd week of T so would really love...

    Hi, please can I also message you privately, I am only in my 2nd week of T so would really love to speak to you to get some advise.
  4. R

    My Success Story (So Far) — Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, TTTS

    @COYS As hopeful as I wish I could be, it is really possible for it to go away? Do you have any suggestions as to how I should approach this? Or my first steps that possibly could lead me to being tinnitus free?
  5. R

    Best Advice for a New Tinnitus Sufferer?

    Hi Everyone! I have only developed tinnitus last week, I am going through the motions and my emotions are up and down at the moment. Thankfully Tinnitus Talk has help A LOT! I really just want to get on top of this so please share your best advice, do's and dont's, stuff you wish you had...
  6. R

    Just Developed Tinnitus 5 Days Ago and I'm Unbelievably Scared

    Hi all. I am so happy to have come across this post, I too also seem to have developed tinnitus a couple of days ago. So you are not alone @enthusiast. I did go to the doctors as I was suffering from ear pain, only to be told my ears were fine, it was then I noticed the ringing sound (something...
  7. R

    My Success Story (So Far) — Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, TTTS

    Hi All, so thankful to have come across this website and forum, I have only developed tinnitus a couple of days ago, trying to come to terms with it and help myself as much and soon as possible, because I am already in a dark place. I did want to ask, I live in London and commute daily to and...