
My name is Ronald, and I live in Canada, 31 years of age. Prior to T, I had the most amazing life and was a happy go lucky guy. After T, it all came crashing down. I've never been more depressed in my life, and I keep having feelings of depersonalisation. I don't feel like the same person anymore, and it's scary.

I'm on this forum to help cope, stay inspired, to keep up on research news (praying for a cure one day), and keep others up to date on the "alternative" approaches I'm taking to help combat this terrible affliction.

Member statistics

Tinnitus Since
Feb 01 2017
Cause of Tinnitus
Mild head injury maybe... but who knows...



  1. 20

    Second Anniversary

    You've been registered here for 2 years, congratulations!
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    First Anniversary

    You've been registered here for 1 year, congratulations!
  3. 25

    Can't Stop!

    Have you any idea how long it took you to post 250 messages?
  4. 50

    The Crowd Goes Wild!

    Your content has been liked 200 times. 200 - Wow!
  5. 20

    100 Trophy Points

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  6. 25

    Can't Get Enough Of Your Stuff

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    50 Trophy Points

    You've amassed 50 trophy points. Have another 10.
  8. 15

    Mini Combo

    100 messages and 25 likes. Result!
  9. 10

    The Ton

    You've posted 100 messages. Hopefully this took you a while!
  10. 20

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    Your messages have been liked 10 times.
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