Recent content by Roosevelt DuPree

  1. Roosevelt DuPree

    Sometimes it's hard to separate my tinnitus from my hyperacusis, like they're this intertwined...

    Sometimes it's hard to separate my tinnitus from my hyperacusis, like they're this intertwined sound and feeling, a kind of synesthesia.
  2. Roosevelt DuPree

    "Just keep going / No feeling is final." -Rilke

    "Just keep going / No feeling is final." -Rilke
  3. Roosevelt DuPree

    Ahhhh tinnitus: The Music Of The Spheres...

    Ahhhh tinnitus: The Music Of The Spheres...
  4. Roosevelt DuPree

    Hyperacusis is said to affect 1 in 50,000 people. I should go buy a few lottery tickets...

    Hyperacusis is said to affect 1 in 50,000 people. I should go buy a few lottery tickets...
  5. Roosevelt DuPree

    Trying and failing to make regular people (friends, family, etc.) understand what tinnitus and...

    Trying and failing to make regular people (friends, family, etc.) understand what tinnitus and hyperacusis are like.
  6. Roosevelt DuPree

    H & T had been getting better, then a loud noise (an accidentally dropped pan) in my kitchen...

    H & T had been getting better, then a loud noise (an accidentally dropped pan) in my kitchen last night set me back. I feel like Sisyphus...
  7. Roosevelt DuPree

    Prednisone Versus Turmeric & Quercetin

    I ended up trying the Prednisone - I cautiously began with 20 mg and, even with that initial dose, did not dig the way it made me feel (anxious, panicky, with tinnitus insanely loud), so I immediately discontinued it. (So much subjectivity in terms of what works for people - we're all different...
  8. Roosevelt DuPree

    Post-COVID-19, Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Are Back In My Life After Habituation 4 Years Ago

    Thanks for reading & for the posts, guys. I went to the ENT / audiologist yesterday. Nothing revelatory there: My hearing's a-ok and, as previously, the doctor had no advice for how to treat, address, or deal with tinnitus and hyperacusis. (He was a nice, eccentric guy, though- he told me all...
  9. Roosevelt DuPree

    Hey there Eleanor89- Kind thanks for the follow. Yes, it seems we are fellow...

    Hey there Eleanor89- Kind thanks for the follow. Yes, it seems we are fellow psychotherapists-with-tinnitus :) What a strange - and busy - time (Covid-19) to be in this profession! (I have worked from home the past 2 years and counting, only "meeting" with people over Zoom / telephone. Looking...
  10. Roosevelt DuPree

    "Do you hear me? Do you feel me? We gon' be all right!" -Kendrick Lamar

    "Do you hear me? Do you feel me? We gon' be all right!" -Kendrick Lamar
  11. Roosevelt DuPree

    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Ian Maclaren

    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Ian Maclaren
  12. Roosevelt DuPree

    Post-COVID-19, Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Are Back In My Life After Habituation 4 Years Ago

    @Lane, thanks so much for your thorough and insightful reply, as well as for the information re: the spike protein / serrapeptase!
  13. Roosevelt DuPree

    "Perhaps everything terrible is, in its deepest being, something helpless that wants help from...

    "Perhaps everything terrible is, in its deepest being, something helpless that wants help from us." - Rilke
  14. Roosevelt DuPree

    Post-COVID-19, Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Are Back In My Life After Habituation 4 Years Ago

    Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers, guys! Evidence that COVID-19 causes spikes in tinnitus & hyperacusis for some people is beginning to pile up. It's mysterious, though, as to why. This is such a strange virus that has wide and varied effects on people's nervous systems... In...
  15. Roosevelt DuPree

    Prednisone Versus Turmeric & Quercetin

    After getting COVID-19 2 weeks ago, I have experienced a major spike in my tinnitus & hyperacusis. I consulted with my physician (he spoke with me for literally four minutes - I timed it) and he prescribed Prednisone (40 mg loading dose, then an 8-day taper), because "it's worth a shot...