Recent content by Rudy

  1. Rudy

    Concert at the Wiltern in LA (Using Downbeats)

    Im debating on going to a concert at the wiltern in LA in December. I have T and very very low sensitivity to noise. I can handle the movie theaters decently without plugs but I'm concerned about a concert. I will for sure wear ear protection, I just bought a pair of Downbeats ear plugs. they...
  2. Rudy

    Ear Wax Removed But Still Ringing

    I had a massive amount of wax removed about a year ago... I've been ringing since then. Protect your ears from loud sounds.
  3. Rudy

    how you doing now?

    how you doing now?
  4. Rudy

    Ear Wax, Now Cleared But Ears Still Ringing

    After they removed the wax I had VVVEERRRRY low T, to the point where I could barely notice it. Over the weeks i continued my daily routine of listening to loud music in my car and going out to bars and thats where the loud T came from.
  5. Rudy

    Ear Wax, Now Cleared But Ears Still Ringing

    This happened to me! Ive been ringing for almost a year. Hope it goes away, stay away from loud music/noises! for now :D
  6. Rudy

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    If this works...this 28 year old grown man will cry.
  7. Rudy

    Carnosine Can Cure Tinnitus?

    any updates?
  8. Rudy

    Carnosine Can Cure Tinnitus?

    Is this safe to take with NAC and GABA?
  9. Rudy

    What's the Difference Between Autifony AUT00063 and Auris Medical AM-101?

    What are the difference between these 2 drugs under trial. Are they both for T and H? Hearing loss or Noise Induced? How much longer of a wait are we looking at for these Thanks!
  10. Rudy

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    can this be used for T associated with loud sound exposure
  11. Rudy

    Movie Theaters?!

    Question is, can you actually get ear/hearing damage from going to the movies?
  12. Rudy

    Movie Theaters?!

    Anyone progressing to where they can attend the movies?!
  13. Rudy

    Los Angeles TRT Dr. Sol Marghzar

    I was just curious if anyone has seen this doctor and had any success with their tinnitus/hyperacusis? THANKS!
  14. Rudy

    My Tinnitus Has Gone

    any pink noise or sound therapy? or did it go away on its own?