Recent content by runnerbloke

  1. R

    Second Time Round — First Time Neuromonics Helped Me, Now My Tinnitus Has Made a Comeback

    I first experienced tinnitus in 2005, 14 years ago. I was devastated. Living in Perth Australia at the time I found out about a company called Neuromonics. The company introduced a plan developed by a scientist at a university in Perth. They work out if out have any hearing loss - I have minor...
  2. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    @sunshine, as I said it's ten years since I was treated so my memory is hazy. I do however seem to remember them saying the goal was to cure T. I remember what you say about aiming to quiet the limbic system. One thing I definitely remember is them saying the program was effective as the brain...
  3. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    Hi No Mood, can I ask how long you used Neuromonics for? They recommend six months. Did you have the full analysis and setup? I was down near Geelong in March when I went down the Great Ocean Road. Wonderful Countryside.
  4. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    Yes $5k is a lot of money, if that's what the current pricing is today. Bear in mind I used Neuromonics in 2005 so comparatively it was considerably more expensive. However I was willing to do anything to be free from T. It was destroying my life. I could not think rationally and I could barely...
  5. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    Hello Pooptoast. You are quite at liberty to make up your own mind about my experience. It's obviously up to you to take or not take any action regarding whatever your situation is. I can assure you my story is completely true. It's no skin off my nose whether you believe it or not. But I have...
  6. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    Hi Assassinator - As I said in my first post in this thread, I happened to see an online ad for Tinnitus Terminator (of which I know nothing but it sounds similar in concept to Neuromonics). I followed a couple of links and somehow ended up here. From personal experience I know how devastating...
  7. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    Anything is possible. However I had constant tinnitus for some months. Within a week a week of commencing the program the T disappeared. That's too much of a co-incidence methinks. Knowing how severely it affected me; if I was back in that very same position, I would try it again. Neuromonics...
  8. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    I am an artist and have a website with a contact email address. Anyone is free to contact me if they want any further info.
  9. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    Nothing dubious. I am relaying my experience. I had T for about four months before I commenced Neuromonics. I even had a small waterfall feature which I put next to my bed to help me sleep. I even took this to Bali where we escaped to in order to destress before I commenced treatment. Hotel...
  10. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    My T started the night one of our art galleries was broken into at 1am. Much was stolen. Got back to bed at 3am and heard a rumbling sound. After four weeks it developed into a high pitched whine like an electrical signal in my right ear. I was totally freaked out!! Life like this could not go...
  11. R

    Cured from Tinnitus

    I ended up here after seeing a video for Tinnitus Terminator. I did not use this program in 2005 when I developed tinnitus, but it sounds very similar in concept to what I did use so it does make sense. I used Neuromonics which was costly; about $5000 for a device with a personalised program...