Thanks Bill! It’s definitely improved since the day it first appeared. I no longer find every day noises or voices uncomfortable. Still don’t think I can handle headphones but I mean I avoid them anyway. I’ve been to fairly noisy places over the summer like amusement parks and whatnot and felt...
Hey can I ask if you still experiencing crackling in the ears when swallowing. Or any sensation of ear fullness (not muffled hearing though). Thanks, hope you’re doing well.
Hi Daisy, may be a long shot because I see you haven’t posted in nearly a year (which I take as a good sign), but may I ask how you’re doing? Specifically with hyperacusis. Thanks, hope all is well.
Hi Salih, May be a long shot because you haven’t posted in months (which I always take as a good sign). But can I ask about your symptoms? Maybe the tinnitus is still there, but is the hyperacusis? Hope all is well.
Hey so how was the concert? Hope you enjoyed yourself! :) I don’t mean to pry but do you mind sharing some of your experience?
How loud was the venue? What ear protection did you find worked best?
That’s great! Enjoy! Very encouraging to know you’re gonna go for it and not let tinnitus stop you. Be safe! And please let me know what ear protection works best for you. Hope to protect my ears at future concerts as well. Have fun! :)
Hey old post, but did you ever end up going to the concert? If so, what kind of ear plugs did you end up using? Have a concert in a couple months, so I’m also doing research on good ear protection. Thanks hope all is well.
Hi I’m late to this post. Congrats on overcoming this, I hope to do the same in due time.
I’ve seen other posts about how you hear/or heard crackling noises every time you swallow. Do you still experience this? Was it ETD or TMJ or something else?
Thanks so glad to know you’re feeling better and...