Recent content by Samsara

  1. S

    Learning to Live with Tinnitus

    Well unfortunately it's the truth isn't it? Nice to see you have joined Tinnitus talk Dr Nagler. For some reason the term 'rats deserting a sinking ship' springs to mind. Kind of predictable though given that Yuku is virtually dead these days and TT is growing and growing. No audience means...
  2. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Thanks Mick1987 I'm sure you are right. I'm being abit dramatic but some days it feels like I have the sword of Damocles hanging over me when I think about the inevitable problems I'm going to have falling asleep. The noise just haunts me but I haven't even had this a year yet so I'm sure I will...
  3. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    I'm more then happy to debate something but the tone of your posts Tenna indicate you are far more interested in petty nik picking and point scoring. That is completely irrelevant to me. I call it how I see it and I stand by what I said. I make no apologies for that. By respect I meant...
  4. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Apology accepted Mick1987 no hard feelings. I apologize to you as well if my posts came across to you as only people with severe Tinnitus care about it thus belittling and causing offense. That was certainly not my attention and I didn't think that they gave that impression when I wrote them but...
  5. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Valentin this is a good point. She never mentioned this when I met her though but she explained that the vibration from all the noises in her head disturbs her the most rather then the noises themselves.
  6. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Tenna take a deep breath and calm down okay? I'm sorry that you are unable to understand certain things I write but like I said before let's just agree to disagree and not argue. Attempting to nit pick to score points isn't going to us anywhere. I never said I didn't like what you wrote I don't...
  7. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    She has hearing loss Tenna but not significant according to her. She could understand what I was saying but the vibration of her noises seems to affect her the most. I didn't say she could barely hear her own voice I said she struggles and that was what she told me. There is an obvious...
  8. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Excuse me do not put words in my mouth. I never said they were lying nor did I ever imply that once anyone get's severe Tinnitus it's impossible to habituate to it. I actually explained this point to you in one of my previous comments (No.36) on this thread. Since you either didn't bother...
  9. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    @Misery yes she reconstructed what her Tinnitus sounds like through someone medical although off the top of my head I can't remember where and who. What I heard is exactly what she hears each day and let me tell you it was horrific. Actually put mine into perspective as before I would of...
  10. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    To be honest mick187 I think severe Tinnitus needs to be experienced before anyone can make a judgement. As I said in my previous comment this person had about 7 different noises in her head that were so loud I think I would end it if I had to deal with that and no sleep. At least you could...
  11. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    @mick1987 There is a huge difference between a noise that you can get relief from via everyday sounds or masking and sleep compared to a noise which drowns out a noisy packed sports stadium or can be heard even when standing next to a very loud giant speaker at a club. The latter cannot be...
  12. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Tenna although I don't believe it is a misinterpretation let's just agree to disagree on the subject and not have an argument. You think what Dan wrote was in your words 'evil'. I think that was colossal overreaction to his comment but you don't so we can go back and forth back and forth etc...
  13. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    I'm so sorry to hear that Gary I truly am. It was for people like you why I wrote what I did in support of Dan. Sadly people with more tolerable Tinnitus do not understand those with severe forms of it. I have to be honest if I had not met this person earlier this year and heard her Tinnitus...
  14. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Hi Dan, I met her through a friend of a friend who has also Tinnitus. I wanted to ask her some questions and just speak to someone who knew what I was going through. I really thought I had it bad before but after meeting her it definitely put mines in perspective. I can definitely synmpathise...
  15. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Cancer is something I have very direct experience of with friends and family in my life Tenna so let's not try to turn this into some kind of contest here. It was specifically lung cancer that was mentioned by the OP and I simply addressed that point as an example of how some people could feel...