Recent content by Samwise_The_Loud

  1. Samwise_The_Loud

    Quick note - can confirm taurine seems to be a net benefit.

    Quick note - can confirm taurine seems to be a net benefit.
  2. Samwise_The_Loud

    Quick note - yes to the NAC, no to the headphones. Spiked the tonal tinnitus.

    Quick note - yes to the NAC, no to the headphones. Spiked the tonal tinnitus.
  3. Samwise_The_Loud

    Living a Life: Finding Balance and Purpose with Tinnitus

    Hello All, I usually post tinnitus updates in my other thread about my circumstances, My Quasi Diary, but I realize this place is probably more suitable. To summarize my scattered thoughts over the years: I have had tinnitus for nearly five years. My right ear produces a tonal sound, while my...
  4. Samwise_The_Loud

    Experiencing the Worst Tinnitus Spike After a Live Music Concert — I Could Use Some Support

    Hello All, Here’s an update in this quasi-diary of sorts. Once again, my periods of absence from the forum are not out of ill will but rather a result of trying to leave a troubled past behind. Incidentally, I believe that’s the ultimate goal for anyone with trauma: to forget the circumstances...
  5. Samwise_The_Loud

    Experiencing the Worst Tinnitus Spike After a Live Music Concert — I Could Use Some Support

    Hello there, @RunningMan. I do use custom earplugs when I'm out and about, and as I say, I avoid loud places. However, I do know my soul; I do know myself. The most risk-averse approach would be to isolate 100% of the time. But I wonder if that's a life worth living for the rest of my long...
  6. Samwise_The_Loud

    I’ve Managed to Quieten Down My Tinnitus After 20 Years

    Interesting. I'm on Taurine and Magnesium myself, but that's more to build hearing protection. I might experiment with this. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Samwise_The_Loud

    Experiencing the Worst Tinnitus Spike After a Live Music Concert — I Could Use Some Support

    Hello, everyone (if anyone is even reading this). A minor update since June 2023 (time flies!). I've been trying to stay off Tinnitus Talk for recovery reasons. It's nothing personal, but I seem to get stuck reading the suicidal threads, which ultimately makes me worse. Things have been...
  8. Samwise_The_Loud

    Going to try taurine, for the GAINS but apparently good for ears too...

    Going to try taurine, for the GAINS but apparently good for ears too...
  9. Samwise_The_Loud

    Tinnitus Spike After a Combination of MRI / Head Injury / Loud Noise Exposure

    Agh, I live in London. I bloody hate the sirens and motorbikes. The bane of my existence. Do sirens need to be that loud? Not sure. @Gateway, stay strong. Probability suggests you will recover. Have a hot bath and relax, that usually helps me. Wishing you all well, Sam
  10. Samwise_The_Loud

    Loud Distressing Tinnitus After Open Air Concert: Is This a Spike or My New Normal?

    I'm afraid you've got to ride it out, Ernie. We've all been there and it sucks. However, just look after yourself and it should pass. Have hope. If you are in the US, getting Prednisolone isn't a bad idea, however some people find it makes their tinnitus worse. If you have used Prednisolone...
  11. Samwise_The_Loud

    Yeah this is what I meant by manual cleaning ^

    Yeah this is what I meant by manual cleaning ^
  12. Samwise_The_Loud

    I still play acoustic guitar and sing, and I'm actually not too bad if I say so myself. Suck on...

    I still play acoustic guitar and sing, and I'm actually not too bad if I say so myself. Suck on that, tinnitus!
  13. Samwise_The_Loud

    How Do You Handle Static-Hiss Tinnitus?

    I've been dealing with hissing and static in my left ear for 3 years now. I did experience brain fog badly for the first year but over time it went away. I did Lenire, which made it worse (bastards). I'm habituated to mine, but there are days where it bothers me or where it gets too much. I...
  14. Samwise_The_Loud

    I have to ask for manual cleaning. In a past life it would have been very difficult to endure...

    I have to ask for manual cleaning. In a past life it would have been very difficult to endure, nowadays it's child's play compare with what we must endure. This condition, whilst harrowing, also makes you strong. Stronger than you know.
  15. Samwise_The_Loud

    Best Hearing Protection for Flying with Tinnitus

    Hi Everyone, So I am generally a strange tinnitus case, I have somatic tinnitus in my left ear (a 3-4/10 usually) and I have non-somatic, or tonal tinnitus in my right ear (usually a 2-3/10). However, I am a big believer in us trying to enjoy our lives even with this condition, whilst trying...