Recent content by ScamAlert

  1. ScamAlert

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    Dear David: 1 “Unfortunately, I was tested by audiologist and my result are not suitable for masking because tinnitus level above 11db and multi tonal.” Maybe you should see another audiologist. My tinnitus levels were 14 db in the right and 17 db in the left ear. Neuromonics was very helpful...
  2. ScamAlert

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    Dear David: I corresponded with Tim directly via his telephones (949)257-9733 and (949)369-1292. When Tim told Dr Shemesh that his Tinnitus relapsed even stronger than from the very beginning, Dr Shemesh stopped communicating with him. He wanted his poster boy, whom he successfully used for...
  3. ScamAlert

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    Dear David: Three dead patients of Dr. Shemesh that are known to me are listed below: Ray Ennis, USA, got Tinnitus in 1990, visited Dr. Shemesh in 1999, suicide in 2009. Tim Donahue, USA, got Tinnitus in 1999, visited Dr. Shemesh in 1999, suicide in 2013. Gaby Olthuis, NL, got Tinnitus in...
  4. ScamAlert

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    I visited Dr. Shemesh in Israel a few years ago. I spent approximately 15 thousand dollars and at the end of the two year “treatment”, my condition got worse. I agree with everything that has been said but wish to add the following: a) Dr. Shemesh lives in a fantasy world and sees...