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  • hey how are your distortions now?
    They are still there and the bane of my existence. They have thoroughly destroyed my quality of life because they are over speech
    It has been 10 months and it started from a high pitch noise? (Scrolled your profile)
    @sophia1688 yea essentially I got pretty sick after my second phizer shot and thereafter was able to hear my modem and got reactive tinnitus. Then a high pitched pure tone from my phone for like 10 seconds destroyed my hearing
    I can't live with these distortions 6 months and I've only been continuously tormented
    Brian P
    That's the thing. There is no research!! There will be no cure or treatments in our lifetime just more sham therapy
    Brian P
    You got yours from the vaccine right?
    @Brian P Yes my original tinnitus I believe came from the vaccine. 1 month of ringing and then had a indirectly related acoustic shock while trying to make it stop. It's absurd but it happened.

    I'm hopeful that some of the hearing loss drugs if they are successful can alleviate our issues
    There's no point in this suffering, no lesson, redemption factor just a diminished quality of life.
    Ìt will get better, you'll get through this, it sucks but be patient and protect your ears.
    You are really strong, such a brave warrior
    5 months I had a sudden 80% recovery. Patience and protect a little bit more..
    Being blessed to have loved ones reaching out and checking in on me. Cursed that I always have to let them down with bad news.
    Eventually you'll quit reporting bad news.. T is just something we learn to suffer with silently after awhile. T.Talk is a great place to commiserate. Sounds like you have great fam/friends.
    Wave of sorrow Do not drown me now I see the island Still ahead somehow I see the island And its sands are fair Wave of sorrow Take me there
    I don't mind waiting, even years! It'd just be nice to know if ears heal. I can live with the tinnitus but the H and distortions it's horror
    Love the profile photo... where do this guy sit on a bench all day..?
    @Exit Melancholy, by Albert Gyorgy. He's relaxing in Geneva without any auditory issues (no ears!)
    Ava Lugo
    Yes SD7, it is absolute hell. Sorry I'm late to comment but I'm going through the distortions and reactivity too.
    After image follows my hand for slight second after I move it. Never had any vision issues before. It's as if everything is breaking.
    I've shed so much hair since this started.
    Nah @AbeS, never had any effect on my T. Or my ability to perform, or anything else for that matter.

    I'm not sure how convinced I am by the vocal minority who have linked tinnitus and sexual dysfunction with Finasteride.

    Pretty sure there are an uncountable amount of men taking this stuff with zero issues.
    Anyway, it's your hair, I guess it comes down to how much you're prepared to risk to keep it.

    I would have rather died than lose mine.
    I'm chalking it up to stress. Can't risk anymore sideeffects personally since they're in part the reason I'm in this hell
    Month 3 and considerably worse off. I'd give anything to go back to June. Every doctor I went to assured me I'd be ok
    @SD7 all the doctors I went to ensured that this would come out, I'm 9 months old and it's getting worse.

    Take care of your ears and a cure comes out
    Pretty much the same here. My otologist even told me she believed I would get better. Absolute lol.
    Unreal I've seen some of the best doctors and they've all failed me because pain H is so rare. I can't believe this is actually happening
    Well, I got diagnosed with hyperacusis, tinnitus and cochlear neuropathy; that doesn't really help in any way, unfortunately.
    @Tau i keep thinking where we would be if we just isolated from the beginning. They all said it was impossible and I should live my life normally. I had such a mild case in the beginning
    I should have taken prednisone again there was still damage being done
    I took Prednisolone again because of a damn car wash. But only 15 mg. Tapering straight away. I can't take more because of stem cell harvesting.
    @Tau i really really hope it works for you
    @Juan given wisdom with respect to pain hyperacusis. Is there any truth that so called mild-moderate cases tend to heal well 1-3 years
    Pain Hyperacusis I can't believe this is going to finish my life
    6000hz from my iPhone May have ruined my life
    You will get better, mark my words
    See the interview with Prof. Dirk De Ridder he explains well what happened to him, it was his suffering that gave him the T, if he wasn't suffering we wouldn't have T.
    @star-affinity i played a high pitch video when my ears were sensitive and I believe I've ruined my hearing
    How is it possible that I have Pain Hyperacusis,tinnitus, TTTS and distortions. So much suffering and torment
    @Vassili thanks Vassili it does and I know for a fact your post inspires many people including myself. I check it once a week :)
    I have all of this + Visual Snow and currently I got fluctuating vision :(
    It is one hell of a ride, I know. I still read success stories time after time and try to stay away from negative threads.
    Ttts in left ear in silence. Only thing I didn't end up getting was autophony. Unbelievable
    I had a bit of TTTS right after my acoustic trauma, it went away in a couple of weeks. Hang in there!
    Thanks @Tau the fluttering TTTS is ok actually but I have this weird vibrating broken speaker version. Tensor Tympani is supposed to dampen noise I believe it is not working correctly in my right ear and fear it's coming to my left
    My right ear really feels like it's missing a shield in contrast to the left ear. Sound just goes right in.
    Acoustic trauma from iphone speakers not max volume how is this actually happening to me
    Vaccine or noise cause the distortions? Yes I know it's brutal, music, voices, things just ruined.
    A month later a remote dropped and my left ear has same symptoms Distortions prominent on my right ear. My ear shakes and sounds like bad audio occasionally, music is flat and drums hiss a bit more. Similar story to @Jon R. ,@MarvinDeguzman ,@TheHonoredOne and @Tau
    I'm mortified that I've done permanent damage. My right ear in particular feels incredibly fragile.
    @SD7 i think the vaccine got
    You too
    How are hyperacusis and distortions even real just give me mild hearing loss and regular tinnitus (tongue and cheek but also seriously)
    Dude, just give me pure, simple, uncomplicated deafness.
    I have a slight bit of hearing loss around 13khz. Nothing else. Why the hell can't I just be deaf at 13khz....why the chimes, the cicadas, the pain.....literally what is the reason
    When distortions happen over inanimate objects it's unnerving but slightly admissible. When it happens over people's voices god how cruel
    Weekends don't even exist they're just other days. Pain H, Distortions, Reactive T. Noise exposure was less than 10 seconds. How
    the least our ears could do is give us a few days off to enjoy ourselves :-//
    Mine was 4-5 seconds.
    @Vassili my trigger was from a YouTube video not max volume no headphones but it was so high pitched. It's so absurd
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